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Sunday, September 13, 2020

What Are Some Excellent Marketing Ideas To Succeed In Network Marketing

To Succeed In Network Marketing is something you should really take the time and learn how to be the best network marketer on the internet you can be.

succeed in network marketing

I have a list of ways that you can be very successful in network marketing and you can do this on a very low budget if this is something you are looking to do cheaply when you first get started in any network marketing business.

  • Blog
  • Website and SEO
  • Social Media
  • Forums
  • Email Marketing
  • Capture Page
  • Online Classifieds
  • Go Live
  • Pay Per Click
  • Home Meetings

Start a Blog

Is something that will come easy for some and really hard to do for others if you have no experience or any of a techy side about you, but I’m here to help you do just that with a few instructions that anyone can do no matter what your experience is in starting a blog.

The first step in starting a blog is what will be the niche you will start or should I say what are you going to talk about on your blog.

If your into network marketing for your business and your trying to figure out what will be your niche or subject of your blog this is where you really got to understand how this process will work for you.
I personally don’t know what network marketing business your into but let’s use some examples to get you going for starting a blog for your network marketing business.

Lets say your into the health and wellness business and you want to start a blog in that segment.

The first thing to do is to focus your blog not only on that segment but focus on certain things on that segment.

Let’s say your in the health and wellness industry and for the network marketing business, your doing is specific on say weight loss.

Now the first thing to do is not just focus your blogging on just weight loss as your going to get eaten up with the competition with just blogging about weight loss as your blog first starts.

Lest say in your network marketing business your doing for the weight loss segment your into say the Keto Diet and here’s what to do next.

When your creating a blog post about the weight loss segment your into for your network marketing business focus your post on things like How To Lose Weight With Keto, or How To Lose Weight With Keto In The Morning.

Do you get what I”m trying to tell you, don’t focus on just the weight loss segment in your blog post or content your creating make it more specific to weight loss and get it more narrowed down to a certain product when your blogging.

So now you have got your niche targeted on your blog lets get down to the part of how to set up your blog for success and way of Marketing Ideas To Succeed In Network Marketing.

Like I said above in the above example if you’re into weight loss then pick out a domain for your blog that focuses on the weight loss segment as this is your first step in starting a blog.

When you create your domain for your blog make sure you can try your best to get a domain name that is no more than 3 words in length for your domain name or even shorter if you can.

Try your best to not use Numbers or Hyphens in your domain, reason is most search engines have them as blocked words from being on the search rankings.

Now that you have got your domain picked out here’s what to do next for getting your domain registered and hosted.

I would go with Bluehost or Godaddy that is my pick, below you will find detailed ways with Bluehost as they do offer a step by step way on doing so.

Click the image below to get the special pricing on your domain hosting and get your domain registered.


Next, select your plan on your hosting I would highly suggest you take the Choice Plus plan as it comes with so many features for free with no out of pocket expense for those added features.


The next step in setting up your blog is to get a domain name that will get you going across the world to promote, if by chance if you already own a domain name then you can use that domain name if it is already setup for the niche you’re going to blog about.

domain with bluehost

Then the next step in setting up your hosting with them and your billings information is what you need to do next.

bluehost setup

Your next step in the process of setting up your blog is selecting the package that best suits you.

bluehost package

Now once you have that all done you will have to create a username and password for your hosting package so you can log in and start getting busy with your new blog.

bluehost hosting

Ok now, your all setup to get going in creating your blog.

bluehost create a site

Now comes the fun part of starting your blog.

Just to give you a little heads up about your blog and if your looking to get traffic to it fast in your quest of Marketing Ideas To Succeed In Network Marketing it’s not going to come overnight with traffic.

It takes a lot of work to get content on your blog and it will take time to write quality content articles on your blog.

The way I would approach getting articles on your blog is two ways, you can write the blog articles or you can hire someone to write the articles on your blog.

This is what I would do if it was going to be my blog.

I would write all the articles my self and here’s why.

When you create the articles on your blog you are getting familiar with what you want on the blog and what type of articles you will be happy about writing and creating on the blog.

Now once you have created about 30 to 50 articles on your blog then you can go ahead and hire someone to write articles that you want to blog about on your blog.

The cost of having someone else to write the articles for you on average is about 30.00 to 80.00 per article and the benefit of that is you can free up time to focus on your other business needs.

Now the only down fall about starting a blog is it takes time to get traffic to your blog.

Just because you have created content and blog posts on your blog doesn’t mean search engines like google for example is going to rank you on their searches any time soon.

It can take anywhere from 1 year to 2 years before you starting getting traffic from google for example when it comes to a blog.

The reason why is, Google has got to gain trust with you and identity with you before they start showing your content or blog posts on their search engine.

Once you have gained trust and identity with them you will see a nice steady flow of traffic with them.

If you can create quality content that people are looking for and create answers in your content and blog post for what people are asking you will get traffic.

Blogging takes a long time to get traffic but its well worth the time and hassle of creating a blog to getting that traffic you need to promote your network marketing business.

If you want to get traffic for free and not pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to get traffic then blogging is where it is at in organic traffic.

Just think it this way when you create a post or content in the long term you’re going to get a wonderful flow of visitors for months and years to come if you can create quality content and answer what others are looking for.

Website and SEO

Now for those of you who are not interested in starting a blog again, they can be time-consuming and some don’t have time to start a blog but still want a website to get found for their network marketing business.

Creating a website is pretty straight forward since you got this far into the post.

I will now go into a little detail in getting a Website and doing some general SEO for your site.

Get your website domain name and account setup is again pretty simple to do so.

bluehost hosting

Now the next step is to choose you hosting package.

bluehosting package select

Now again choose your Domain Name for you website name.

domain name

Ok now that you have got that done its time to create a website for you business.

website wordpress

The next step is to create your website with WordPress with BlueHost.

Login to BlueHost and select my sites and create site.

wordpress website

Now once you have done that let’s test your WordPress site and see if it gets found and open up a new browser window and type in your domain name and you should get something that looks just like the below image.


The next thing you want to do next is to setup the design of your website with one of the free website themes you can use.

You can use thousands of free themes for your website and I would start with a free theme and once you are getting a lot of traffic I would switch over to a paid theme design.

wordpress theme

Ok, now you have the theme you like now its time to install it and add it to your site for use.

What Are Some Excellent Marketing Ideas To Succeed In Network Marketing 1

The next process is pretty basic to get it installed.

wordpress theme

Now once you have this done get familiar with your dashboard for your site in WordPress.

Learn the basics of adding widgets, adding pages like about me, contact us page, and adding more pages as you need as you grow.

Once you get familiar with your site then its time to do some SEO and learning that aspect of it if you like.


This is something that will take some time to learn, if you don’t have the time to learn it or you are not techy or willing to learn it that is fine.

You can hire an SEO expert to do this for you or hire a company to do it for you.

I will try to share some insights with you about SEO but this is just going to be basics of SEO and if you start to like how SEO works then I would tell you to take a course in it or watch some YouTube Videos to do so in SEO.

When creating your site you want the basics of SEO and what I mean here is you need Meta Tags, Description Tags, and Header Tags.

The best way to get a jump on not having to know much about this part of knowing SEO and getting meta tags for example description tags, header tags, and telling the search engines what your site is about is simple.

Just add the plugin RankMath to your site.

In your WordPress dashboard click on Add Plugin.

Type in RankMath to search for plugins and install that plugin to your site and as you are creating content RankMath will be working in the background creating your meta tags like description tags, keyword tags, title tags, and everything needed to give you a little boost in SEO.

I like RankMath personally as my way of doing SEO and learning as I go, but you can also use the Yoast SEO plugin as well which is another top-notch one to use.

If you do decide to not do any of the SEO your self and want to hire a professional or company to do this for you just make sure you research them and find the reviews about them before you spend any of your money.

Most of these SEO companies will tell you that they can rank you on the first page of the top search engines fast and some will say overnight, but let me tell you this, it’s impossible to get you ranked overnight on the search engines with organic traffic.

These companies can get you ranked on the searches pretty fast some times in a few days but the key is if your website is called and nobody even knows what your website address is how are they going to type it into the search engines.

So my point is with this SEO promises is anyone can get you ranked on the search engines with SEO, but the trick is getting you ranked on organic keywords and keyword phrases and that can be tough and it can take months to do that.

I would not spend anymore than 99.00 a month on SEO first starting out if you don’t want to do it yourself or learn yourself.

That would be the budget I would start with.

Lets move on to the next step in your quest of Marketing Ideas To Succeed In Network Marketing.

Social Media

Social Media is now the thing to really get traffic to your site while your waiting for the search engines to send you organic traffic which can take months, or even a couple of years.

The power of social media can be a game changer for some of you depending on the niche or the market trends your dealing with.

With the power of Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube you can attract a lot of traffic from these social media site depending on your market you’re trying to reach.

Let me explain this process a little more better for you with social media.

The first thing to do is create a business profile with the social media sites you are comfortable with doing and create accounts for your network marketing business.

If your not into using Facebook for a social media or any of the others let me tell you a little trick about them.

I would create a business account with Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin, Instagram, and Youtube even if you don’t even use them, now here’s why.

If you are going to use any of these social media accounts in the future whether it be 1 year down the road or longer with creating the social media accounts with the same type of name as your website name you can be rest assure it will still be available with the time comes.

Ok, with that out of the way here’s what social media I would use depending on what type of business your into.

If your into a health and wellness business that is targeted toward the female audience I would only use Pinterest.

The reason I would only use Pinterest to target the health and wellness audience is because 75 percent of the traffic on Pinterest is female.

Now if your into like products that are associated with the network marketing aspect for example selling info-marketing products I would concentrate on LinkedIn as most of those people who are signed up to Linkedin are looking for ways to make money or a home job etc.

If your into affiliate marketing or info products then I would use Instagram for that market to target your business with.

As for Facebook personally I think its a waste of time as most Facebook users are on Facebook to be entertained and most are not looking to buy anything on Facebook.

The reason I tell you to add a Facebook social media account is for one reason and one reason only.

Search Engines love social pings pointing to social media accounts.

Now when you create your website I would have a list of social media accounts linked on my home page linking to social media accounts as search engines are actually looking to see if your website is pointing to social media accounts.

The reason search engines are looking to see if you’re linked to social media is that they are looking to verify who you are and this is another way to verify who and what your business is all about.

So yes signup to as many social media accounts as possible and have those accounts linking from your site to those accounts and show the search engines the social pings they are so much craving to find.

Now if you do the social media thing stick with one of those accounts and do kind of posting on them at least 3 times a week.

Once you get good at doing one then if you feel comfortable doing another then I would proceed in doing so with another social media account.

With any social media account if you do it well and stick to it and offer solid advice and add quality content you will have no problem in gaining followers on social media.



Forums are a great way to get traffic for free and let me tell you all about the benefits of using forums.

Lets start with how forums started back in time.

In the Roman times in the middle of the cities and towns, they had a place where they could have an open discussion on topics like politics, or events that will happen, and the name forum was adopted and they eventually moved into a big place they called a forum.

Now let’s speed up in time where we are now and the term Forums for online users are a place for people to post and discuss topics and news online that people have the same interest in what everyone else is doing on the forum.

These forums are usually a threaded type layout so people know how the topic is progressing in discussion.

The benefit of the forum that you want to join is to share info with others who have similar interests so when it comes to your network marketing business using forums can really do well for you online.

Using forums are great for open discussions for those wanting to learn about anything they want to learn in the topic that interests them.

If you are going to use forums you join them and wait until you are approved to post things on the forums or even just reply to other people’s forums post if you are approved to do so.

Posting about your network marketing business post on the forum to let others know you have the benefit of answering others’ questions or solving their problems on the forum.

When using forums you can generate a lot of traffic using forums, but let me tell you want not to do when using forums.

When using forums and your posting replies to other peoples forum post don’t make your reply look like your only there to promote what you are offering as most of the people will catch on to what you are doing to get you banned on the forum.

Email Marketing

email marketing

Email Marketing is something that you can do and be very successful in doing so.

With Email Marketing, you can start off slow and build a list of emails to market too or you can go all out and hire a company to get your offers delivered to customers fast.

Lets talk about the slow process first for those who are looking to build a list.

When you start your site or blog, have a place on your home page that you can offer your visitor a way of sharing their email with you for sending them news or the latest products, etc.

Now when your first starting out it will take time to even gain enough trust for your visitors to give you their email address I’m going, to be honest here.

Ok, now lets say you get past the trust of your visitor and they do take the time to provide you with their email.

What you want to do now is have an email program set up with automatic emails going out for you on a daily or weekly basis depending on how big your list becomes of course.

You can use companies like GetResponse as an example to send out emails that you have collected and take the time to make the email letters you want to send out on a specific time of day or week in your email program that you set up with the company you go with.

Most of these companies will charge you about $19.00 a month to send out emails for up to 1000 recipients and you can upgrade as your email list grows.

When you signup for those types of services you login create the emails you want to send, set the date and time, and is done for you automatically.

Now for those of you who want to get the work out fast with email marketing, you can just hire companies to send out a targeted email in your niche and have them send out thousands of emails on your behalf if you don’t mind spending a little bit of money upfront to tell your market all about your business.

Let me tell you a little secret about email marketing, if you can take the time to gather a list of email lets just say 10,000 emails over the next year.

The internet marketers who are doing this full time are saying every email that you have gather is worth anywhere between $1.00 to $5.00 depending on what you’re selling.

Now your probably asking how is this so, easy if you have 10,000 emails and only 10 percent of those emails get opened which is only 1000 right and out of that percentage 100 buy what your offering, and if you’re offering a product that cost $100.00 you just made $10.000 in profit.

See now the power of gathering emails and doing email marketing is fantastic once you build your list.

If I was you start gathering your email list as fast as you can do so.

Capture Page

capture page

Capture Page is something that you should really get done to make money with Marketing Ideas To Succeed In Network Marketing.

Having a capture page not only works but this is another tool you can use to gather emails as I talked about above on the email marketing platform.

If you can build a capture page offer things on the capture page for free like a free ebook that you can download and give them when they share their email address with you.

When you create a capture page try your best to dress it up like the one above to entice people to share their email with you.

If you have a weekly draw or month draw offer that prize on your capture page to get people to sign up and share their email with you as well.

Capture Pages are so powerful you will be quite surprised how fast you can grow your email list by just adding a capture page to your site.

Have a link on the menu of your website or blog that says free ebook, or prize draw and when they click on it they will be taken to your capture page and boom you got their email and you should be good to do your email marketing from there on out.

Online Classifieds

Online Classified is a great way to get traffic for free or paid if you have a little bit of budget to get your offers out there on the classified sites for your network marketing business.

There is literally hundreds of online classifieds on the internet today some get traffic and some don’t.

I would start with google search and see what the big online classifieds are out there and start submitting ads on the classifieds.

Classifieds like

  • eBay Classifieds
  • Craigslist
  • LetGo
  • Backpage
  • Gumtree
  • Classified Ads
  • Oodle
  • Adpost

Most of these classified sites you can submit a free ad on them daily and some do have a limit of two ads in each category for their ads, but once they expired you are free to submit another ad in that category.

Also, most of the classifieds do have a paid version of their ads to get you a boost.

You have the option of upgrading your ad usually for upgrades like Home Page Featured, Highlighted Ad, Top Category Ad, Top Ad With Highlighting for 7 days, or a month.

The list goes on and on when it comes to upgrading your ad.

If you have the time to market you business with the classifieds I would get this one done as well.

Go Live

Go Live now your probably asking me what exactly go live means for those not so techy people who are reading this post.

If you have a Facebook account Facebook has the option to Go Live on video, so as soon as you start the video stream on Facebook all of your contacts and friends have the notification come up that will tell them you have started a live video stream.

Now for those of you who are a little shy of getting on camera or even think about not doing the Go Live, I’m going, to be honest, here doing Go Live’s will help you so much in marketing your network marketing business online, you can really do well doing so.

If you don’t like the thought of doing a Go Live go to YouTube and start creating videos there once you create your channel and use that platform as a practice place to get rid of the jitters of doing go live.

You just go to have faith and do some Go Live’s to help your business grow it does work nicely, and who knows you might really enjoy it more than you think to market your network marketing business.

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click is something you can do if you don’t mind spending a little bit of money to help the awareness of your network marketing business and ways of Marketing Ideas To Succeed In Network Marketing.

When it comes to using pay per click you can be very successful at doing so as long as you understand how pay per click works if you don’t you can spend a lot of money doing so.

How pay per click works is you setup and ad campaign with the search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo for example.

You create the ad, select what keywords you want to do, select the budget of the keywords you are willing to spend on those keyword phrases, and every time someone types in the keyword and clicks on your ad, you pay a fee, can be anywhere from 0.10 cents a click to up to $2.00 a click or more.

If you are thinking about doing this type of advertising for your network marketing business I would start with a $5.00 budget per day and let the campaign run for 7 days, then see what people click on for keywords and what they didn’t click on.

The thing about pay per click it all comes down to testing and testing to see what is working for the pay per click ads.

That is why you should understand how it works and how it can cost you a lot of money with trail and error.

Pay Per Click is an awesome way to get the word out about your network marketing business so get familiar with it first and give it a try.

Home Meetings

Home Meetings is personally my favorite and I will tell you why.

When you are doing any type of network marketing business no matter what the business is about the face to face contact with people usually makes a big difference in making the sale or sponsoring new members in your network marketing business.

Having people meet up for a home meeting you get the chance to know them better and they get the chance to see you in person to gain the trust in you with your business that you are offering or presenting.

Home Meetings are a great way to get out of the house, make new friends, and have fun doing so when it comes to sharing your network marketing business in person with others.

If by chance you become very successful in your network marketing business still take the opportunity and do some home meetings or meeting at a club or venue to share that face to face contact with your members, customers, and newly sponsored members who are thinking about joining you.

I hope you enjoyed this post Marketing Ideas To Succeed In Network Marketing and get great value with it if you did please show me some love and share it.

I also have just posted this article How To Succeed In Multi-Level Marketing 10 Awesome Steps.

Until next time my fellow readers and bloggers,


Jim Morrison

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