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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Network Marketing Tips For Beginners In 2020

Network Marketing Tips For Beginners In 2020 , is a must to know subject for those who are thinking about getting involved in a network marketing business, as there are lots to learn and some of you will learn a lot about network marketing and you will be glad you have read this post before you start your quest in Network Marketing Tips For Beginners In 2020.

How To Start Network Marketing

How To Start Network Marketing

Well the first thing you should ask yourself is the why factor, why do you want to start in network marketing and is it a good fit for you to start network marketing.

Network Marketing can be very rewarding and a lot of people can get a lot of satisfaction in network marketing.

Now how to start network marketing is going to come at a price of how bad do you want it and how far are you willing to go to be successful in network marketing.

The first thing you want to do so you can get started in the right direction in network marketing is you have to find a product or service you love and have passion for, to be successful in any network marketing program if you don’t like the product or service yourself how are you going to promote it with pride.

The next step is finding the right product or service to promote in network marketing, now what I’m telling you to do here is do your homework on the company or service you’re going to get involved with in this venture. Make sure they have a solid track record in network marketing and they have great reviews before you place your hand in this type of network marketing.

Now once you are happy with the product and service you’re going to want to promote in your new network marketing business, then the next step is to find a great team of networkers who are involved with the product and service your joining. Reach out to someone in that company that has a great following and large team already as they most likely will be more than happier to help you along, as for the more successful you are the more successful their whole team is, so its in the best of their interest to making sure you succeed as well.

Finding the right sponsor to joining the company you’re going to join will literally save you hours and even thousands of hours of not making mistakes like most beginners make in network marketing, as with the right sponsor that you join under they can guide you in the right direction right out of the gate as they already have done a lot of the work and they know what works and what doesn’t to achieve success, so pay attention to what they are telling you as they already have gone down that beaten path.

Is Network Marketing Worth It

Is Network Marketing Worth It

Now this subject Is Network Marketing Worth It, well this one is up to you, I’m not going to sugar coat it here and I’m just going to lay out the facts about network marketing.

Most people in network marketing don’t make it, the reason why here is as being programed as human beings a lot of us think if after 3 to 6 month they are not making any income they figured it’s not working and move on to something else as we believe we won’t make a dime with it and give up, this is just a recipe for failure.

Only about 20 percent of the people who join network marketing programs really make any income with them, and about 40 percent just make enough to get their money back in all the lotions and potions they have bought and membership fees they are paying every month and break even.

Network Marketing Success

Network Marketing Success

Now for those of you who have decided to keep going for the long haul to making sure of Network Marketing Success, 10 percent of you are going to replace your fulltime income with your new network marketing business, and 2 percent of you are going to make over 7 figures a year with your network marketing business efforts.

So if you have the desire of making your network marketing business work and see that it does a lot of you can achieve greatness with it as most millionaires around the world have made their money with some sort of network marketing of some kind.

Is Network Marketing A Pyramid Scheme

Is Network Marketing A Pyramid Scheme

Well that is a good question, is network marketing a pyramid scheme, and the answer is No, but let me explain the difference between network marketing and a pyramid scheme in more detail for you.

As with any Network Marketing or MLM program, you are required to recruit members to join under you to help the Company, You, and Your Organization to get more products and services out to the general public through a recruiting process to earning commission for everyone’s efforts and setting goals to do so to make sure the company and your bank account increase upwards over time.

Now with a Pyramid Scheme, your told to get others under you in a recruiting process as well, but the difference is your just trying to get other peoples’ money then you and your organization move on to the next sucker to do it all over again, the main description of a Pyramid Scheme is if your not offering anyone a product or service in return for their hard-earned dollars and they receive nothing in return then that is a pyramid scheme to its fullest so run the other way.

Also, in some Countries Pyramid Scheme’s are illegal, and if you get caught up in one and are promoting them you can receive a large fine and even jail time if you are involved in this activity, so make sure you do your due diligence before you join any program in this network marketing business.

Network Marketing Tips For Beginners In 2020

My next Network Marketing Tips For Beginners In 2020, is start with a company that doesn’t require you a whole lot of money upfront to join them, I would start with a company that is under $500.00 to start with that includes a starter kit to show others there products and services and also give you access to a free website to promote that you can refer others too.

Now a lot of those network marketing companies have a membership fee that you must pay every month, I would stick with the ones who are in the $100.00 a month range and most if not all are sending you products for that membership fee month after month, but if you don’t like having to pay a membership fee month after month then stick to ones that have a different membership fee where it’s only on a performance plan, what I mean is you earn on your sales only and your downline sales as well.

How To Be Successful In Network Marketing

How To Be Successful In Network Marketing

Now for this subject “How To Be Successful In Network Marketing”, there’s a lot of factors involved with this too being successful and not being successful and I will tell you all about them next.

  1. How is your relationship skills, are you a people person, as with any network marketing business you are going to be required to talk to people you have never meet before in your whole entire life, as you will be going out to Home Parties, Social Gatherings, and Meets at local coffee shops for example, so if you are the nervous type or shy type of person, get ready to overcome this obstacle. The better you are welcoming people like you have known them for life the more success you will have as more people will want to follow you and buy from you.
  2. Stay Plugged into your business and attend every team call and events that you can attend, as this is one tool that will keep you going and going for the long term, attending these calls and events always keeps the drive in you to achieve greatness with the company your with, it also keeps you up to date with everything that is new to offer, and the best selling products and services will be easy for you to tell others to promote.
  3. The Freedom 5 year plan, think about where you want to be in 5 years, do you still want to wake up every day for the next 30 or 40 years doing the same job over and over and retire broke as that’s where most of us end up, unless you are one of the 1 percent of people who loved their job and got paid a king’s ransom for doing it, but again most of us don’t have that job. With most jobs in life you only get paid for when you show up and work those long hours doing it, if you show up for 20 hours a week you earn 20 hours of pay the same goes with if you work 50 hours a week. Now with the freedom 5-year plan you can work your butt offer for 5 years in network marketing and you will have the luxury of getting paid around the clock 24 hours a day 7 days a week no matter how many hours you work that week.
  4. Achieving Success will come at a price but the long term will pay handsomely, you gotta focus on being straight forward with your customers and people who join you, if you’re letting the customers and people who join you in on the great benefits of using the products and services having to you as well as them, they will build trust with you and keep following your lead and buying the products from you, over time the more people you build a relationship with and building that trust factor with them, you will achieve success in more ways then one.
  5. Mindset, you have to make this one a top priority, before you join any network marketing program and after you did your homework on how the company and products will last for the years to come, then its time to sit down create a business plan and get into the mindset of doing this fulltime or even double fulltime until you achieve the goal of yes I did it. The nice thing about network marketing is you have no one over you telling you your limitations or someone telling you that raise will not be given to you, keep your head focus on the big picture and you will have unlimited opportunities for yourself and beyond to make that income you so call desire and take action to be the best in your industry.

Achieving Success For Network Marketing

Achieving Success For Network Marketing

When it comes to Achieving Success For Network Marketing, make sure you are following the guidelines of the business you are joining, get familiar with the dos and don’ts of your company so you are not setting yourself up with failure after all the hard work you put into it.

As for social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube to just name a few, be very careful what your putting on these social media pages and check them twice as once it’s published to the web its there sometimes forever, and all that hard work you have done will be just shot right down the drain and gone forever so that is the last thing you want to do is create a following and all over one misplaced post you just ruined it as it could take you a long while to get that following back.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you come back again to read my next post, and again happy reading and blogging everyone, so until next time peace to you and yours.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Marketing Ideas For Work At Home Entrepreneurs

If your looking for ways to Identify and come up with Ideas on How To Marketing Ideas For Work At Home Entrepreneurs, then I have compelled a list of ways to succeed at home in marketing for those folks who are willing to invest in the time in working from home.


Now, this is one tool you definitely need if you want to succeed online for your home-based business you need a website period.

Not having a website for your home-based business is like not having a business plan before you start your business to be able to succeed in any home-based business.

I’m going to get into a lot of detail in the subject as there are lots of things to cover when it comes to owning and running your own website and see it through to being successful.

Once you have set up your own website hosting, a good place to get a website is NameCheap or GoDaddy, and they both have excellent products and services to offer you no matter what your budget is.

Next, when it comes to website design, I would highly recommend a WordPress theme in making your site stand out, you can use Wix or a similar type of service but I’m going, to be honest with you, just use WordPress and be done with it as you will be force overtime to just use WordPress, in the long run, trust me.

The reason I recommend WordPress is the functionality and the plugins you can add to your site is by far so beneficial to your site, also most of the search engines are indexing the WordPress sites better in rankings.

Ok, now that you have taken care of that, now focus on the name of your site for your domain, try your best to make it a short name as it will be easier for people to remember your website address.

When you are ready to start laying out the groundwork for your site, now its time to making sure your Meta Tags, Keyword Tags, and Description tags are done properly, for those of you who don’t know what these are in easier terms, tags are, for example, the site title, keywords are words that people will put in the search engines for search, and description tag is words that tell the visitor what the site is about.

When it comes to the design of your website, make sure you select a layout where there are not too many images on the front page as this will slow down your website speed, and if it’s taking longer on a desktop to load it will really load slowly on mobile and a lot of the traffic now is on mobile.

Once you have your site started with the design, make sure you add social media pages on your home page, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and youtube, etc if you don’t know about social media accounts or are new to them, I will list that aspect below.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, Google has a tool you can google called google mobile-friendly test site to analyze your sites mobile-friendly or not, again you have to create your site mobile friendly today as over half of the traffic is on mobile.

For any website to be listed on google, bing, or yahoo, you will need a sitemap, you can get this done with google just google sitemap in the google search and a lot of information will come up showing you the proper way on how to get a sitemap, but again you will need to get this done or order to get a ranking on any of the top search engines.

When it comes to creating a website and how much you want it to be noticed on the web or just advertising it by word of mouth that’s totally up to you to determine if you have a good size budget in place you can hire a website company to do all of this for your design, marketing, and a proper search engine optimization to get this done for you but be careful as this can be expensive if you not researching this correctly.

2.Social Media

As I mentioned above social media is a must as well with any website to be noticed online or get noticed, and it also adds a great way to get visitors to really interact with you on your website and build trust with you as they can follow your social media aspects of your business you are doing.

I would create Social Media accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and youtube if it was me creating a business website online.

All of those social media accounts I listed above can give you a great amount of traffic over time, it won’t come overnight but it will come over time and I will explain them in more detail below.

Facebook is great to showcase your business with family and friends, and you can also join groups on Facebook to join others in your niche that you are involved in to get others to visit your business as well.

You can do Facebook ads with Facebook to really get your business noticed to thousands and even millions of people around the world about your business.

Now the bad thing about Facebook is most people who do go to Facebook are really only going there to get entertained, 80 percent of the people on Facebook don’t buy anything from Facebook, but who knows maybe you have that winning product.

Twitter is another one you should have set up for your marketing for your home-based business online, you might not get the results as Facebook but they do have also a place to set up paid ads as well to get visitors to your business like Facebook.

Instagram, is another as well to get setup on doing, the nice thing about Instagram is you can add photos about your business on a daily basis and get customers to follow you just from the photos you add on Instagram.

Youtube is something that requires a little more work on your part but the rewards are awesome if you go with youtube video’s to get your word out there about your home-based business, if you love making video’s than this one is for you and also youtube is the second largest search engine in the world, so getting rankings on the searches is going to help you tremendously.

Pinterest is my personal favorite, and I’m going to tell you why with Pinterest over 60 percent of the traffic on there is buying something, most of their visitors go there to research things better than any of the ones above, and again you can set up paid advertising with them as well and they have excellent rates for your marketing for the number of visitors you will gain and followers from them.


Forums are a great way to get a lot of traffic over time, but this form of getting the word out can take up a lot of time and be tedious.

The nice thing about forums is, you can build up an audience pretty fast as being someone who can have a large following if you are talking about things about being beneficial to the customer and something that is helping them within everyday needs you can excel in this space. Just be careful that your not just using forums in trying to get the word out by overly promoting and trying to get fast financial gain, as these people on there are not stupid to this and will catch on to you pretty fast.


SEO can be a vital part of getting traffic to your website and can take a long time to see great results if done properly, but SEO can be also a rewarding experience in your marketing of making your marketing your home-based business from home.

If you have no experience in SEO, then I would highly recommend you hire a third party to do the SEO for you to achieve the results you’re looking for in marketing your website online.

You can literally spend anywhere from a $100.00 a month to hundreds of dollars a month for SEO if you want to see how fast you want to achieve rankings on the search engines to be listed online.

If you don’t have a budget in place at first to just do SEO on your site as a hobby to get experience on how to rank on the search engines, I will share with you some of the things I would try listed below.

  1. Get all your tags in order first, Meta Tags, Keyword Tags, and Descriptions tags listed on all your pages correctly on every page on your website.
  2. Update your site if you can weekly or even daily with new and fresh content, like add a blog on their so you can add fresh content on your site as search engines love lots of content that is fresh and to the same topics as your site.
  3. Use a WordPress theme when you create your website, google search the best free WordPress themes for 2020 and pick one.
  4. Create a site map with google.
  5. Add social profiles to your site.
  6. Submit your site to the search engines on a weekly basis.
  7. Make sure you are using the correct keyword tags from each page from the content of that page.
  8. Go to google and make sure the site is mobile-friendly and has a load speed that is fast.
  9. You need an SSL certificate for your site to be listed by most search engines.

So if you follow some of those points above you will have no problems in getting a lot of the SEO done and you will learn more ways of improving your technics of SEO as you go along reason being you’re doing these exercises and you will be looking for more ways to improve your SEO as it will become addictive to you.

5.Capture Page

A capture page is a solid way to get business to your website over and over again, and I will explain why this works so well.

If you create a capture page, just google what a capture page is and can look like as there are lots of companies out there that you can set up a capture page with, some are free and some will cost you up to $99.00 a month.

Ok, now once you have a capture page it gives you the chance to collect people’s name and email addresses so you can send them offers on a weekly or daily basis, just don’t keep sending them the same offer over and over again as your unsubscribe list will be bigger than your actual subscribe list.

6. Email Marketing

Email marketing can be another great way of sending out the offers to new and old clients so they can be informed about your latest offers and trends you are promoting in the marketing of your home-based business from home.

You can set up an autoresponder with the emails you are collecting with your capture page and have your new and old clients up to date with everything your doing.

Setting up an autoresponder can be tricky but if you take the time to do this you can put your network marketing on autopilot 24 hours a day 7 days a week, I google companies that deal in this niche and you can get a great autoresponder setup for about $19.00 a month and it varies from there depending on how big your list is.

Now if you don’t want to do it that way you can hire a company online to send out emails for you in the form of paid email ads, now this one can be rewarding but just make sure the company is a legit one and been doing it for a long time and they have a good track record of doing this as you don’t want to start out in a bad way in this type of promotions.

7. Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Programs are a great way to make a lot of cash online with some luck, of course, to get you going.

If you decide to go with affiliate programs, you can start affiliate programs like Clickbank, CJaffiliate, and JVZoo to just to name a few.

You will have to decide what niche you want to promote with those companies and every network marketer has different successes with them, but I myself would start out promoting Health and Nutrition Programs, E-business and Marketing, and Dating to get you going.

You will have to test out all kinds of the different programs with them and it will take a while for you to find out which program works for you and which one doesn’t, but once you do figure it out, the sky is the limit to making cash fast with affiliate programs.

You also got to figure out with affiliate marketing programs do you want to earn small commissions or large ones, if it was me I would stick with the larger ones for a payout as you won’t need to sell as many of that program to earn a commission and stick with the programs that have a gravity score of over 40 percent.

The way I look at it do you want to make 200 sales to earning you $20.00 in commissions for each sale, or earn just 10 sales that make you $400.00 for each sale in a month period.

8. Offer Incentives

Offer Incentives to your new and current clients to a month give away to help spread the word about your marketing for your home-based business.

Incentives work very well when you have a small or large client base as it will help you spread the word for your business as who doesn’t like the chance of getting something for free or even have the chance of getting something for free every month.

9. Your Cold List

Make a list of your cold list, what I mean here is sit down and create a list of at least 100 people that you know in your family or friends and reach out to them and tell them about your home-based business if it’s new or tells them about your home-based business if it’s been around for a while. The reason I tell you this is sometimes you gotta remind people about your business as some people do get complacent.

I hope you enjoyed this post on how to marketing ideas for work at home entrepreneurs and I hope you did get some really good value on the topics I posted here about this subject.

I hope to see you again on my next post, and happy reading and blogging every until next time.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How To Market Insurance Marketing Ideas For 2020 No Matter What Insurance Your Offering

Insurance Marketing Ideas can be sometimes easy and hard to come up with.

If your looking for insurance marketing ideas you can use in 2020, I have a list of 9 steps you can use in preparing for success in offering insurance to your clients no matter what insurance your offering.

1. Website

Website Under Construction

This is the norm for any business to succeed online today and even off line as well in that matter.

Not having a website is like working back in the early days of when the world had no internet, every business today needs to have a website of some kind in order to be successful, if you don’t your going to get eaten up by your competition very fast.

If you want to even come close to making it online with a Insurance Company to offer your clients your services, you need a website.

Now depending on how much of an online presence you want or need is up to you, if your an agent working for another big company they probably have a website to offer you so you can link to there’s to offer your services to your clients.

If you want your very own website to market your insurance products and services to your clients, here’s what to do.

Setup your hosting if you haven’t already done so with a domain provider, like namecheap or godaddy to name a couple, I like both myself.

Now once you setup your hosting pick a real good domain name and try to make it simple or short for the name so people can remember it easier if you can.

Once you have that done, make sure your website is bright, fast, secure, and mobile friendly as well.

The three major ones above are.

Fast make sure your website loads fast when people visit, you can check this with any online service who offers website load check times, google has one of the best ones.

Secure this is another major one in setting up with an SSL certificate, when your setting up your hosting most providers will sell you a SSL certificate to make your site secure, and most search engines today won’t list your site unless it has a SSL certificate.

Mobile Friendly this is another thing to make sure you have setup on your site, as there’s over 45 percent of all traffic to any website now is from mobile and climbing faster and faster everyday, so when you have your site setup make sure its mobile friendly.

Always update your site with new content, just don’t create a website and 3 or 6 months later have it looking the same over and over again, what I mean here is, always offer new rates or services that you are always offering clients too keep your content fresh and up to date.

Keeping your content fresh and up to date all the time as this will tell your visitors that you are active with the site all the time.

If you have social media accounts setup already or plan on doing that, link those accounts to your website on the front page as well, and again this will also help your search engine rankings for your insurance website.


If you can add a blog page to your website by all means get this done.

Blogs are another tool to getting traffic to your site and gaining authority by doing this.

Blog pages can get you a ton of traffic if you follow the rules correctly, it will start off slow at first but over time you can achieve great results with blogs, I will list below on why they do.

If you can add a blog to your website, I would suggest you to write a blog post at least every week, if you can write more than one a week by all means do this.

Blogs are a great way of gaining traffic as a lot of people will link to your blog if they like what they are reading, and over time you can have thousands of links pointing back to your blog and giving you free traffic, it’s slow at first but over time is rewarding.

Now the more links you have pointing back to your blog, the more search engines will list you in better ranking, as its telling the search engines those sites have trust in you and the search engines will reward you with more traffic in return.

Blogs also offer your clients or viewers a place to come and read about what you have, and this will keep them on your site longer and over time they build trust with you and eventually will want to buy from you.

If you decide to add a blog to your website, just make sure your talking about topics about what your selling, your in the insurance business so make sure your blog is about insurance needs and wants.


Search Engine Optimization, now this one is a little tricky if you decide to go at this one alone.

I’m going to be honest here, if you have no experience with search engine optimization you should hire the real professionals on this one, you can find lots of these services online just be careful who and what company your hiring to do it for you, as some will promise you great results and you will be disappointed.

Now if your good at doing SEO or just a beginner and want to throw in your hat and give search engine optimization a go, I will list some of the things that can help you along.

  1. Title Tags and Meta Tags.
  2. Quality Content.
  3. Your website needs to be fast..
  4. Needs to be mobile friendly.
  5. Needs to be secure SSL certificate.
  6. You need Social Signals, example facebook and twitter accounts linking to your site.
  7. Quality Backlinks.
  8. Optimized Images.

If it was me first starting out, I would concentrate on making the site secure and getting my title tags, meta tags and keyword tags done first, then get as much content on my blog pages as possible, but make sure again its related content to your site for the blog posts.

4.Video Content

If you can do this one, I would strongly recommend you do video content marketing, with services like Youtube, as this is free to setup with them.

Doing video content marketing with YouTube is a massive way to get traffic to your website to offer clients and new clients their insurance needs that they are looking for.

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the planet, so doing this type of advertising by setting up a YouTube channel will gain you lots of traffic over time as your traffic is coming from the second largest search engine in the world, and this will get you better rankings with Google as well.

I would recommend at least two or three video’s a week if you choose this route, just keep is fresh and up to date with content and you will over time get a lot of traffic with YouTube and Google rankings.

5.Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to get your offers out there to your clients on offering them new and updated insurance policies.

Try adding a link on your website, or a submission form where your clients and visitors can add there name and email address so you can reach out to them on new rates and offers with your insurance business.

If you’re not sending out updates or offers to your present or new clients, I can assure you someone else is doing this for their business.

There is also companies on the internet that specialize in sending out offers to people in your insurance market looking for new rates or better deals, as they have a list of people that who sign up for any offers to get emails from you in your town or city that they can advertise for you on a daily or weekly basis. This is called paid solo email ads.

If you decide to take this route on your marketing efforts, it will take time to capture names and email addresses to sending offers out on a daily or weekly basis, but in the long run its worth it and it also tells your email list your active in the market, as most times it takes 5 emails before you get a buyer.

6.Social Media

Social media is a big part in the market now for getting your clients and new clients to buy from you and be a repeat customer.

Your not going to get a ton of sales right away from using social media as the main reason to use social media is to build a presence and a brand for others to build trust with you and a following.

Once you build trust and a following with your social media accounts, you’ll be singing all the way to the bank with sales, but this type of marketing will take time to build up.

You can also buy paid ads with social media, this is a way to fast track to sales or building up that brand and presence but also you might now get sales right away, but you will gain followers and visitors to your site to help you along in your marketing efforts for your insurance business.

7.Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay Per Click adverting is a great way to advertise your business locally or internationally if you have the budget to do so.

You can start a Pay Per Click advertising campaign with Google, Yahoo, and Bing from $5.00 a day up to Hundreds of dollars a day.

The best way I would start with this form of advertising is start off small first. Try setting up a campaign for $5.00 a day and test it out over a 7 day period, or even setup two or three different campaign’s with different title tags, description tags, and keyword tags and see which one has the best click and hits from it, them you can concentrate on what works and what doesn’t.

The thing about Pay Per Click advertising, you are always testing and testing to see what works and what gives you the best traffic for the tags you are using for your campaigns.

8.Classified Advertising

Classified advertising is a great way in your local community to let others know about your insurance business and your offers.

If you have online classified sites in your area, I would highly recommend you to create some ads on those sites as they are free to use and possibly get some new customers from those sites, and it didn’t cost you a dime.

A lot of those classified sites today have a pay to be on top of the searches for the category that you have chosen, so your ad will be show on top of the listings or come up first in the searches with the keywords you have submitted with them when you created the classified ad.

The nice thing about classified advertising, is your showing the community in your area about your business, and its also another way to have a link pointing back to your website as well, so don’t forget to post the link to your website in the classified ad.

If your insurance business is more of a national business and not just locally, try to use all the services online for classified ad sites and submit your listing with them as well.

9.Yellow Pages

Now your probably asking Yellow Pages, yes Yellow Pages are a big way to get traffic online these days, as there’s lots of sites now that have a place to list your site in their Yellow Page sections.

If you do a search on any search engine about Yellow Page Listings you will be surprised on how many places you can list your business locally and nationally in their Yellow Pages listings.

Another example of this, Google has a place to list your business locally in your community to list your business in their search section to let others know about your business, you can also do a paid advertising spot to be listed first in your area when people search for insurance needs that you are offering current and new clients.

In closing about this article on “How To Market Insurance Marketing Ideas For 2020 No Matter What Insurance Your Offering”, here’s my advice on which ever you go ahead and do.

Pick a step from above 1 or 2 steps and work them everyday if you can, and you will see some great traffic and conversions over time for people too want to deal with you and buy your offers in the insurance business.

Once you master and feel comfortable with those steps, then take on another of those steps above and master those and before you know it you will have a great feeling of accomplishment of what you have done with your marketing efforts On or Off Line.

For those of you who don’t have time to do it yourself or fear the thoughts of doing some of the steps above, then hire someone professionally to do some of the steps above to get your marketing done for your insurance business to gaining new clients and also having a presence of keeping your previous clients.

In today’s online world you have to adapt to some of those steps above, and the reason why is, if your not doing it your competition is doing it right now as we speak.

I hope you enjoyed this Article, and I hope to see you come back again for my next Article.

Too my fellow readers, happy reading and blogging.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Seven Easy Steps To Marketing Strategies For Mortgage Financing Agents And Step Six Will Shock You

If your looking for ways of marketing strategies for mortgage financing to share with your customers and clients, then I’m going to share with you all the steps to marketing strategies for mortgage financing agents to follow in 2020.

1. Networking

Networking is a big aspect in making sure you can make your marketing strategies work for your mortgage financing opportunities are to be know to everyone in your town and city.

Get out there and let everyone know about what you are doing in the mortgage business and make it known to everyone what you are doing.

Make a list of 100 people you know and pick up the phone and tell them what you are doing, just come right out and ask them, are they looking to get a new mortgage.

Next ask your list of people if they know anyone that could be looking for their next new house and mortgage they are thinking about buying, try to get at least 2 to 3 names from them.

Use as much of the online services you can use to getting your name out there to obtaining referrals in this market.

Classified websites are another great way to using an online service for free in your area, you must use this service as much as possible to get your name out there I would recommend.

Then I would use Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to get started. Create a business page or fan page with these services as they are free to use to get things going for you, then you can think about paid ads for those pages down the road.

Create brochures and flyers to pass out to people and even post those flyers on message boards you have access to in your community, also like post offices, mall message boards, and even some restaurants that have access to free message boards.

2. Video

If your not shy and love doing video’s, then this one just might be right up your ally.

Video’s online is the big game changer now using services like YouTube.

Youtube can bring in tons of traffic if you do this properly and with taste. Creating YouTube Video’s is a massive way to getting the word out about your brand and products.

Making YouTube video’s about selling your services in the Mortgage lending business can really be something you should take into consideration.

If I was going to do this, I would create a video series about how you can help anyone obtain a Mortgage and the steps in getting approved and getting the best value to a customer that you can offer them.

I would recommend a once a week update on YouTube so you can create a following with them to keep them coming back to your video’s, if you can do it more than once a week I would suggest you do it as much as you can if you have time.

3. Build A Capture Page

Now your probably asking a Capture Page, I’m selling Mortgages not affiliate programs here Jim.

Actually, if you build a free capture page or landing page to offer people about your Mortgage Rates and offers, you’ll be surprised on how many people you will get.

Once you have created your social profiles on the social media websites I wrote about up top, create a capture page and link it to all of your social media pages to get people to your capture pages.

When you create a capture page say stuff like, free info for mortgage rates, just fill out the form and subscribe for the best rates you can be offered, or something that you feel you will get people to add their name and email address to get all your offers sent to them by email.

If you want to learn all about how to create a Capture Page read my latest blog post Top Marketing Strategies To Increase Your Business Goals.

4. Email Advertising

Email Marketing to get your offers out to the public about your Mortgage Offers and Rates is another tool you should really use to your advantage of marketing your offers and brand.

If you have taken the time to creating the capture page, this is the first step for you to contact those who took the time to give you their name and email address too sending them offers for your Mortgage Opportunities. Just be careful not to fill their email box everyday with the same offer over and over.

Now as for Paid Email Advertising, this is a great way of reaching new customers and clients in a big way and fast. There’s all kinds of companies out there that will send out your offers to people in your town or city to help you get noticed in this mortgage lending market.

5. Online Social Presence

Now this one is very important to succeeding online. If your social profiles are out of date or not up to date this can hurt your online presence.

To making sure your online social presence is in good order, here’s what to do to help you along.

  1. Make sure your phone numbers are up to date on your social profiles.
  2. Make sure your email is updated.
  3. Make sure your website address is updated.
  4. Make sure you have a messenger active on your social profiles.
  5. Always update your offers on a weekly basis on your social profiles
  6. Post weekly on your social profiles or even daily if you can.
  7. Make sure to delete the stuff that is out of date as this will make your visitors feel your always active at what your doing.

6. Sending Out Birthday Cards and Anniversary Cards

This is the one I told you about in the heading, Step Six Will Shock You.

When ever you are given the opportunity of knowing from previous clients and new clients that you know about their birthday or anniversary is coming up soon, then send them a card.

Sending out a birthday card to each one in the house hold or sending them an anniversary card will get you massive kodo’s with your clients and soon to be new clients, it tells them your thinking of them at those special times in their life. This will go a long way in getting new and repeated customers.

7. Customer Needs

This is a big one, customer needs.

Never lose sight of what the customer wants, the big thing to do is to listen more and talk less in the beginning of any relationship with a client.

Pay attention to your customers needs to how big of a place they want, how close do they need to be to all the local stuff like schools, downtown, malls, or even local entertainment.

Not everyone will want to live in the city or town, some will want the country setting, or close to the beach.

When your real estate agent takes your clients into a new house or property you can always tell in the sound of their voice if they are excited or not.

If you can make your clients happy and make their time with you a comfortable and enjoying one, I guarantee you they will want to work with you again.

I hope you enjoyed this post and come back soon for my next post and happy blogging and reading my friends.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

How To Create Ways To Market Your House For Sale

How to create ways to market your house for sale is easier than you think.

I have created a list of ways for you to market your house for sale that will get you results, coming up with ways to market your house for sale can seem difficult at first, but its a lot easier to do than you think. Here are the ways to do just that.

Selling your home and making sure you are making the write choice can be overwhelming and scary at times.

There is different ways and strategies in selling your home, but the key ingredient in doing this properly is something you must know and follow to selling your home correctly.

You can go ahead and hire a real estate agent, or do it your self.

If you hire a real estate agent, your going to pay a good commission to them for selling your house, but they handle all the work for you.

Now, lets get back to our main subject here of creating ways to market your house for sale on both sides of the selling process, do it yourself or with an agent.

If you are going to do this yourself and not hire a agent, this will be time consuming and can be stressful, but you will save some money on the commission doing it yourself.

This is not going to be easy for you, but if you have the free time in selling your home and marketing it yourself give it a try and follow some of my advice below

Photo Of Your Property

Having photos of your property are the first step in selling your home or property to making sure your buyers get to see it to have them attracted and excited to see it in person.

Have photos that show every angle of the house or property that show’s them things like, photos from the road to show the walkway to the house, photos from the driveway to show them how they access the home from there, and photos of the front and back yards to show them the cool places to relax.

Take photos inside your house or rental property if that’s what your selling.

Make sure the photos taken from inside have good lightening so you get nice bright photos to show the beauty of the property from the inside to get people excited.

Get your photos placed online to show other who are online shopping for that special property they are looking for.

I would start sharing your photos with the free classifieds in your area, use social media like Facebook and Twitter and reach out to all your contacts there to let them know your selling your real estate to get awareness.

You can use free message boards in your area that let you advertise your property on those boards, and attach your photo of your property your selling to call and setup a time to view.

If you have an online classified site in your area by all means get your listing on there as well, as with a lot of online classified sites you can get massive traffic from them as well.


Having a sign on your property is another tool you should have to selling your house or property.

I highly advise you to get this one done, as it’s another way of free adverting.

If you are doing this on your own or you have an agent, make sure your sign has a phone number and a cell number to contact you or the agent.

Another thing to do is to place a house or property for sale sign at the intersection of your street telling others about your house or property you are selling if your area allows you to do so, you can also ask a neighbor if they live at the corner of your street to place a sign on their property pointing to yours.

Open House

Open House is another thing you can try if you have some free time to get buyers into the house or property to view.

If you can do this, by all means do this one as people will find a lot of personality in seeing it in person than just seeing photos online, it will get them to visualize what it will be like to own your house or property in real time.

If you live in a real busy area, you will attract a lot of people to show up possibly and it will be a great way for word to get around fast, also post your open houses times online for others to be notified about it.

Selling Points

When you are ready to sell your home, you gotta be able to point out the best selling points of your home or property you are going to sell.

You should start with how many rooms are in the home, like how many bedrooms, bathrooms, closet spaces, and if the home has a finished basement or recreation room as well.

Mention that your home has a back yard and what size, if it has a garden also mention the size of the garden as well, give the lot size with the size of the back yard and front yard as well.

Tell your potential buyers how close it is to all the stuff like downtown, shopping areas, restaurants, medical clinics and hospitals.

Get into details like, how big your window and doors are, sliding doors, granite counter tops, fixtures in the bathroom, and if you have stainless steel appliances to go with the property as well, if you do.

Another thing to mention is how many tress, flowers, and brushes you have on the property, in case you get a buyer looking for more of a country setting.


Now this is the one aspect you want to be careful about, this one can make you or break you if you don’t know how to sell your home for the right price.

I would first find out what your home assessment has your house or property listed for, then I would start from there.

If you have done upgrades to your home in the last year, your assessment might not show you the updated price to give you the correct value for your home.

Once you have that sorted out, I would then find out what the other homes in your area are selling for, with the same square footage and number of rooms they have and also compare the age of those homes to yours.

Don’t make the mistake of asking too much for your home, as that may find you taking forever in selling the home or property.

The key things to remember with coming up with a price is to know how your home is compared to others in your area, again like square footage, number of rooms, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, and how close to all the necessities your home is in the area of where you live.

Are You Up For The Job

Are you up for the job in selling your home or property, this one will test your patience and time if you do it yourself.

In order to be able to sell your home or property you will have to have plenty of time and patience to do this, if your doing a job that requires already a lot of your time or your doing 2 jobs to get by I wouldn’t recommend taking on this task.

If you do have lots of time and your not in a rush to take the first offer that comes by, then be prepared to answer the phone, make appointments with potential customers, and be ready and available when someone wants to see the home or property.

Another thing you can do is, have a quest book setup in your home so people can add their name and phone number or email address, so you can contact them later to see if they are still looking for their new home or next property.

Hiring A Real Estate Agent

If you don’t have the time to selling the home or property you can always go about hiring a real estate agent.

Let them take care of all the details from listing the home or property, creating the ads online and off, making the signs for advertising, and taking care of the open house showing your home and property.

They also handle the legal aspects of selling your home or property and making sure everything is being taken care of for you.

They usually charge you a good size commission to selling your home or property, but if you are in a bind and don’t have the time or patience to do it your self then I would highly recommend this route to selling your home or property, and let them handle of the stress and worry about getting the job done for you.

In closing, I hope you enjoyed this post, and got a lot of useful information about ways of marketing your home for sale and how to create ways to market your house or property.

Please return again for my next post and happy reading and blogging everyone.