Free Search Engine Submission

Monday, December 28, 2020

How To Get Traffic To Your Website

How To Get Traffic To Your Website

Getting traffic to your website can be a very effective way of advertising online and doing so can be done freely or with paid traffic. Free traffic is knowing how to do SEO and earning organic traffic freely over time that does increase with quality content your sharing. Paid traffic is when you pay search engines for example that you share your website address and they the search engines will send you traffic. So how to get traffic to your website is something that can be done freely or with paid ads.

  • How To Drive Traffic To Your Website 2021
  • Cheapest Way To Drive Traffic To A Website
  • Companies That Drive Traffic To Your Website
  • How To Get Traffic To Your Website Without Social Media

How long does it take to get traffic to a website

This can be done depending on a lot of factors, if your site is new it’s going to take some time before your site starts to get a lot of traffic usually 6 months to 1 year for organic traffic, but if your site has been around for a while it can start to get traffic organically pretty fast as you publish content.

Why does it take so long to get organic traffic

Organic traffic doesn’t come easy when your first starting out, one time you just had to create a website upload some keywords to it, and boom you started ranking within a few days on google, now google for example wants to make sure the search terms your asking are related to the content of the website so gone are the days for just doing keyword spam on a site.

How To Get Traffic To Your Website

How To Drive Traffic To Your Website 2021

Getting traffic to your website is the make it or break for any website to be successful online.

You can build the best-looking and easily navigated site online but if you’re not getting traffic your not going to make any income with your website.

In order to get traffic to your website, you can start with the basics of getting traffic or you can jump right in and really get traffic to your website fast if you have the budget to do so.

The first way I would start in getting traffic to your website is making sure your site is very easy to navigate for the visitor to your site as well as the search engines who will be indexing the website.

If you are going to create a website that is hard to navigate to the visitor, you’re going to lose them fast as they will just exit away from your site and go right back to the search engines that they came from.

This signals to the search engines that they had a bad experience on your site and then before you know it you will start to see your rankings drop.

With the search engines, you want to make sure they can navigate your site easily as well, if they have a hard time navigating your site they will then, in turn, have a hard time indexing your site.

So that is the first step in getting traffic to your website.

Next is organic traffic to get your traffic with the search engines over time.

This method is long and can get frustrating to those website owners as most want traffic the next day or week, but with organic traffic, it will take time to get traffic.

Organic traffic is traffic that comes from the search engines organically with the content your publishing on your website on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

The key to getting lots of organic traffic is you must supply quality organic content that the search engines feel you are supplying their visitors with the answer they are asking to solve their questions.

If you can do this and satisfy the searcher’s intent, you will be rewarded with organic traffic from the search engines with more than you can handle sometimes.

Now the only negative thing about organic traffic is, it does take time to get traffic that way, and most times can take more than 6 months to get a steady flow of organic traffic.

The reason why it takes longer to get organic traffic is you must prove your self to the search engines that the content your providing comes from a trusted source, but if you’re a high authority website already that organic traffic can come to you very fast when you add new content to your website, literally right away.

My next way to help you get traffic while your waiting for the organic traffic to start is using social media to get traffic.

You signup to social media with sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, or Pinterest and you then create a business social media account to use for the promotion of your website.

Every time you upload new content to your website then login to your social media accounts and update those accounts to let others know of your newly updated content on your website.

Now depending on what kind of niche your offering on your website you have to understand what social media is best for your website.

If you’re into things like home and garden or recipes then Pinterest is perfect for that market as mostly all of the audience on there is female.

Maybe you’re into network marketing then LinkedIn or Twitter is great for those areas of spreading the word about your website.

My next tip on getting traffic to your website is utilizing SEO on your website.

If you don’t know SEO and you are not willing to learn SEO, then I would hire a professional to do it for you, now this is only if you are really serious about getting traffic to your website as this can be costly if you’re not careful who or what company you’re going to hire.

SEO for a beginner can seem to be complicated but it’s really not that hard to learn if your willing to just learn the basics of it.

I created this article about SEO not to long ago and you can read that article to get some major tips in learning how to do SEO for beginners

If your just looking for the basics of SEO is to just make sure your using H1, H2 tags in your content and also make sure your Keyword or Keyword Phrase you’re going to use is within the first 150 words of your content or article your uploading to your site.

I can really go on and on about SEO as there is a lot to learn and it’s not that hard to learn the basics, but again refer to this ARTICLE and I’m sure you’re going to learn a lot about SEO and you might even get hooked on doing it as a hobby of learning SEO and keeping up to date with it.

Backlinks are another way to get traffic to your website but you have to understand that getting backlinks naturally is the only way really to boost your rankings and visitors to your website.

There is a lot of companies out there that can deliver backlinks to your site, but I’m going to stress with you as this can penalize your site if you go about doing it the wrong way.

What I mean about the wrong way is companies will get you hundreds and even thousands of backlinks to your site for a price of course.

They send you these backlinks and if they are coming from very high spammy sites with no to zero domain authority then the links you get are going to lower your rankings as well.

If your getting too many links too fast then search engines like google will recognize your not getting these links organically and boom your in the penalty box with them and it can literally take you months or even years to get out of the penalty box with Google.

So my advice to you if you’re looking to get backlinks you can get backlinks naturally if your adding quality content to your site over time and before you know it your backlinks will grow and grow naturally and this will help your rankings within time.

Cheapest Way To Drive Traffic To A Website

There are literally lots of ways to drive traffic to a website if your willing to just take action and make it happen.

The first way you can do this is by getting listed on the search engines is the first step.

Go to directories and start submitting your website to those services to get listed as well.

Set up a Google My Business listing to get set up with Google also.

Post to social media and I know I’ve already talked about this but again if your not posting to social media I can bet you your competition is posting to social media I can tell you that.

When your posting to social media make sure your using Hashtags in your post as this is another one of those tools to use when people are just typing is a search term, and if your using Hashtags there will be a good chance your post will come up.

Keywords are another thing I talked about above but I want to tell you about using Long-Tale Keywords as this is a great way of capturing traffic from the search engines as a lot of people today are typing in questions in the search so using those can help you as well.

You can even start email marketing, now there are lots of ways to do email marketing but you can go about it your speed or go all in and have a company do it for you.

If you hire a company to do it for you they can literally send out thousands of emails for you if you have the budget to do so.

They can reach everyone on their email list for you and this can be something you can do if you’re looking to get sales fast with email marketing.

If you have a capture page setup this is a tool that you can do to have people signup on your capture page, for example, offer a free e-book in return for their email so then you can do your own email marketing on a daily or weekly basis, I would personally not do it daily as some people do get very irritated with a daily email.

These are all the cheapest ways to drive traffic to your website and I also created this article on how to market your small business not too long ago.

Companies That Drive Traffic To Your Website

This can be done with the power of search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo those are the first starting points of companies that can drive traffic to your website.

With Google, you can submit your website with Google Search Central that you can signup for on and ask google to submit your site with the tools they provide you with to get indexed and ranked on Google, but Google doesn’t guarantee that you will get indexed or ranked just in case you don’t.

Now Bing is similar you just head over to Bing Webmaster Tools to get started there if you’re not already doing so with Bing.

The same goes with Yahoo just head over to Help With Yahoo and get started with them also.

Now once you have completed that you can just wait for that process to take effect getting indexed and ranked on those search engines, so remember it can take time so don’t panic if you’re not seeing your site on those search engines right away.

You can check if your website is indexed on any of those search engines by just typing into the search box and you will see the pages of your site that are indexed.

Ok now maybe you want to get traffic from companies like traffic sources.

Then all you have to do there is go ahead and do a search for Guaranteed Traffic into any of the search engines, and you will most likely see ads on the searches that come up first for those offering such services.

If you already have set up those social media accounts as I mentioned above you can do paid advertising with any of those platforms to start showing your ads on there as well, but be careful as it can be very expensive to do business there if you’re not educated on doing those ads with those social media sites and knowing how to target your market for traffic.

I published an article all about how to do advertising on those social media site, not too long ago here’s the article.

Now if your any good at creating videos and your not camera shy I would head over to Youtube and start your very own YouTube channel and start doing videos to share on your channel on YouTube.

Youtube is a massive search engine so if you are able to do videos, then start creating those videos and embedded them also into your website so the search engines like Google can see those embedded videos as that is one of the new core vitals now with Google.

I would also reach out to some of the smaller companies like other website bloggers who can send you traffic to your site if they feel it’s something they would love to share with their audience.

Some of these bloggers have a massive following and thousands of subscribers so reach out to the smaller companies like bloggers who can benefit you very well with traffic.

How To Get Traffic To Your Website Without Social Media

Personally avoiding social media is not going to do well with your online marketing for your website in getting traffic, but if you choose not to use social media that is fine as it can not be for everyone.

By not using social media you are not only letting your competition take away some sales from you but you’re also not having your chances of growing traffic to your website faster by waiting for the organic traffic to start.

Now again if you not looking to do social media that is fine but I can’t stress enough if you’re not using social media your losing out on a lot of traffic and sales.

Ok, so your not wanting to use social media to get traffic to your website then you can use the other ways to get traffic to your site.

Search Engines, now I already covered that so I don’t think you want to hear it again, but I didn’t mention pay per click with the search engines.

Pay Per Click is a way that you sign up to the search engines and do a pay per click campaign with them.

You signup for a campaign by means of an advertiser account and you create the campaign and you pay the search engines so much of a budget for the targeted keywords you want them to show your ads for.

This can range from 0.10 cents a click to $2.00 a click it just depends on how much that keyword is costing at the time you make the bid for that keyword to be shown.

Email marketing is another way you can get traffic to your website without social media, and this marketing can really do well for you when comes to email marketing.

I did mention it above but I just wanted to make sure you understand that 43 percent of Americans check their email while they are in the bathroom I kid you not.

Video marketing is a great way of doing so if you are not shy of getting in front of a camera and like I said above you can do some videos and get them on your very own YouTube Channel to get traffic that way without social media.

Display advertising is another great way you can advertise your website for traffic if you’re looking to do that as well.

How it works is you design a banner ad or have someone do it for you, and then get ahold of some of the website that is offering display advertising for a fee, as its usually so much per 1000 RPM’s which is for every 1000 displays of your banner, you pay a fee, could be $5.00 or it can be $100.0 depends on how much that site has for traffic.

There are a lot of ways that you can get traffic by using social media and I posted this article a little while ago that I think can help you as well.


How to get traffic to your website can be achieved with the use of organic traffic, paid traffic, and referral traffic, but you can also get started with search engines, social media, email marketing, or even pay per click.

Learning the ways to drive traffic to your website can be as easy as submitting your website to the search engines so you can get indexed and ranked, or using social media if that is something you want to do to increase your traffic until your organic traffic starts organically over time.

You can also learn the process of getting traffic to your website by not using social media for those of you who are not interested in doing so, but I personally think you have more to lose than to gain if you’re not using social media as part of your marketing efforts to get traffic.

I hope you got great value from this post and please feel free to share it with your family and friends with your social media accounts as this will give me the incentive to keep writing for you, my readers.

So for now until my next post.


Jim Morrison

I hope you enjoyed this post of How To Get Traffic To Your Website

What Is Social Media Marketing

What Is Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is the process of using social media platforms so you can make your content and brand more easily to share content in order to achieve ways of marketing and reaching out to more people with your goals of using social media. When you use social media platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram you can also capitalize on getting your content and brand out faster, and if you are not using social media your missing out as your competition is doing it I can bet you that.

  • What is social media advertising
  • Benefits of social media marketing
  • Social media marketing definition
  • Importance of social media marketing
  • Social media marketing strategy

What exactly is social media marketing

Social media marketing is when you signup to platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to get your content and brand in front of more customers in the hopes of achieving more sales and traffic to your content and brand.

How can I start social media marketing

You can start social media marketing with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to just name a few, just create the account and decide which one is best for you with the content and brand you’re going to promote.

what is social media marketing

What Is Social Media Advertising

Social Media Advertising is the use of setting up social media accounts and using those accounts to gain exposure and traffic with those platforms to attain new customers and visitors to your content and brand.

With platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram you can use those social media accounts to gain free traffic and even paid traffic if you’re looking to gain sales faster to reach your goals.

When you signup to those platforms you’re going to create a social media account and depending on the market reach you trying to capture you should make those account names the same as the brand and content you’re going to market.

So for example your company name is ABCDcarpentry then you would call it just that if you can with those social media accounts.

Now, once you have those accounts setup then you can go ahead and use those accounts on a free basis or start paying to advertising with those platforms for your accounts.

If you’re just looking to gain a couple of visits a day or 50 visits a week then I would just upload some content to those accounts and let the algorithm do its thing for those accounts.

Now, if you’re looking to gain sales fast and you’re looking to get as many new customers as you can then I would set up and paid advertising account with those social media accounts.

If you are looking to do that then you must make sure what social media accounts that work best for what content or brand you going to want to promote.

Let’s say you into the recipe segment, or home and garden segment then I would highly recommend Pinterest as the social media account to advertise with.

Maybe you are into the business segment or financial segment then I would highly refer you to use LinkedIn to market to that platform.

The thing about doing any advertising on any social media is you have to understand what platform is the best bang for your buck, so you can turn a profit is using those accounts.

Benefits Of Social Media Marketing

The benefits of social media marketing are really rewarding if you’re looking to make your content and brand stand out faster if you’re looking to expand your marketing efforts.

Increasing website traffic is one benefit of using social media as waiting for organic traffic to your website can take a long time to get traffic as this sometimes for a new website can take over a year to gain natural organic traffic.

If your looking to get more sales faster and want to reach more customers this is another reason to use social media and enjoy the benefits of doing so.

Social media and the benefits of using them is another way to promote content for your company and brand and presenting content to your audience is huge in getting sales and followers.

You can also generate leads from visitors or current customers signup for your mailing list so you can let them stay up to date with what you are doing on the content your promoting on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

More benefits of using social media are offering your visitors and customers a promotion like having them download a free e-book to have them get engaged with your content that could lead them to a paid course or a percentage off of your latest sale item.

This is also another great way to keep your customers and visitor engaged with you and if they see what they like then word of mouth can travel very fast with social media in getting shares.

So the benefits of using social media are great when you do it correctly.

Social Media Marketing Definition

Social media marketing definition is the process of having a place for people and companies to share their content and brand as you know, but it’s a great way to reach others for free or even paid to advertise.

With social media, you are given a chance to reach current customers and attain new customers with the marketing of social media.

People and companies are also using social media to engage with customers and new visitors with the means of sharing content and their brand.

Importance Of Social Media Marketing

The importance of social media marketing has so many things that can benefit you as a publisher and content provider or if you’re looking to create awareness for your brand.

You can literally reach a large number of visitors and customers with just the click of a button on social media.

When you use social media with ads you can reach a lot of people faster and it’s a great way to reduce your cost and you can target your market better with social media and they the platform your using will only target the people you want to target that they have available to show your offers too.

If you want to reach a lot of people you can do this a lot faster with social media than back in the days of the print or those expensive ads on the radio or tv, even the printed magazine ads cost you a lot of advertising budget so social media is the way to go today.

Social Media Marketing Strategy

When creating a social media marketing strategy you have got to know what is going to work best for you on the best budget and time frame to achieve a strategy that works best.

The first thing to do is create an action plan, maybe that is reaching a goal of how many people you want to reach on a daily or weekly basis.

Maybe part of your strategy is to learn who your audience is and knowing how to use that data so you know how to set up an advertising campaign that will be profitable for you to set up.

Another part of your social media strategy could be how well your audience is interacting with your social media accounts, like how many are signing up to your offers, or how many are signing up to your newsletter and also what are the genders of your visitors and ages may be something that you can focus on for the content you’re wanting to target.

Having a smart social media strategy is key to making sure your social media account grows larger and larger over time.


What is social media is the process of using social media platforms so you can reach customers and new visitors in the form of also doing digital marketing online.

You signup for services like for example Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and even Pinterest to just name a few where you can signup to them for free or even use them to advertise with them on a paid platform to offer others your content and brand.

When using social media you can literally reach a larger market of people with the click of a button compared to the old days when reaching customers took longer than it is today on social media.

The benefits of using social media can be very rewarding if you know how to do it correctly and professionally using those platforms.

You have also got to understand that you need to create a strategy in using those social media accounts by means of creating an action plan or even knowing how to create goals so you can monitor your progress with your strategy.

I hope you found this post very informative to you and I hope you will share it with friends and family and even share it as well with social media so I can have the incentive to do more just like this post for you my readers.

I’ve also just published this post What Digital Marketing Is All About I think you will like that one as well.


Jim Morrison

Thanks for reading this post of What Is Social Media Marketing

Friday, December 11, 2020

Successful In Digital Marketing For Beginners

Successful In Digital Marketing

Being successful in any digital marketing business is something that can never be taken for granted. Never forget who the customer is as they are the key to your success in your digital marketing business.

How to do digital marketing correctly

When it comes to doing digital marketing correctly you have to be able to develop a digital marketing strategy that is going to work perfectly for the budget your spending and making a profit.

Will digital marketing become bigger and bigger in the future

Yes, the statistics will show you that digital marketing is really just getting started in this new era of marketing, long gone are the days of printed media as almost everyone is doing digital marketing in order to be competitive today.

Is digital marketing easy to start if your new to digital marketing

Digital marketing is really quite easy to get started with all of the places that you can do business online with today, the hardest part is really knowing which platform you want to start with.

What are the traditional ways of doing digital marketing today

You can use all kinds of ways to utilize digital marketing today like blogging, social media, SEO, content marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing, and also having your own website.

Digital Marketing Strategy Benefits Of Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Meaning Digital Marketing For Business
Digital Marketing Campaigns Digital Marketing Key Points
successful in digital marketing

Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing and the strategy you employ is the starting point for your success in your digital marketing business.

The first thing you are going to need in any digital marketing business is a tool to help promote your business with tools like a website, landing page, or even developing a blog to do so.

Let’s start with some of the basics of creating your website or blog for example in your digital marketing efforts.

The first thing to a successful website or blog is the design of the site and the layout has to be clean and easy to navigate with the visitor in mind.

So now you have a website or blog these are the steps to making sure the website or blog is successful in your digital marketing business.

You have got to make sure the website or blog is very user friendly with the visitors and the search engines to crawl to know what your site is about.

  • Loading time for your site
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • SSL Certificate
  • Title Tags
  • Meta Tags
  • SEO
  • Google My Business Listing
  • Social Signals
  • About Page
  • Videos

Loading time is a very important part of your website or blog when it comes to ranking well on the search engines today, as this can lead to a ranking factor for the search engines.

If you are visiting a site that loads very slowly most of the time people leave your site and go back to the search engines and click on the next site, and in turn, this tells the search engines your site didn’t fulfill their wants and needs.

So this in turn will eventually get your site ranking lower and lower over time.

Mobile-friendliness is another important factor that the search engines are really going to follow in 2021 that will get you ranked higher as the search engines are realizing that a lot of the traffic is going mobile, so if your site loads slowly on mobile your site will tank to the last page on the SERPs over time.

SSL Certificate is another one of those things that the search engines are starting to really look at now, so if you don’t have an SSL Certificate on your site you better act now as again you will be left behind.

Your title tags for your website or blog postings are key for getting ranked well in the searches so pay attention to this as well.

Meta tags are where you have got to make sure you are using as well without the meta tags the search engines won’t know what your site is about.

SEO, now this one can be a little tricky if you have no experience in doing SEO or if you don’t hire someone or a professional company to help you along with SEO.

If your website or blog doesn’t have a good SEO strategy you’re going to have a hard time getting found by the search engines.

Google My Business Listing is a great way to get found locally on the searches with google as this gives your website or blog another way to show google your identity as a site that can be trusted.

Social Signals can be a lot of different things but let’s start with some basics.

If you have a website or blog, place your social networks on the front page of your site as this will help the search engines understand your site better for authority for your site.

Now if you have already created your social profiles on social sites then place some links back to your site to give your site some social signals this won’t help in rankings but again this will help you for authority again for your site.

About Page is another one of those pages that the search engines are looking for when they are indexing and crawling your site for authority so have this one done as well.

Videos are another tool that will help your site in getting traffic over time by creating videos and placing them on your site.

How does having videos over time help you get traffic?

Simple if you have videos on your site, then the visitor who comes to your site and watch your videos and if they like them they stay longer on your site, this, in turn, will tell the search engines that the visitors are spending lots of time on your site and they will rank you higher over time.

The next thing you want to be able to do for your digital marketing strategy is to do social media marketing.

Social media marketing is something that I lightly touch on above so what exactly is social media marketing for those of you who are new in doing so.

Marketing with social media is a way for you to do it by again creating social media accounts if you don’t already have them created.

Now for those of you who don’t have social media accounts created already here’s one hint that I want you to do right away.

Create those social media accounts that can be similar to your digital marketing business name or even match them if you can.

So for example, you have a weight loss business and it’s called ABC weight loss, then create all those social media accounts at for example Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest as ABC weight loss.

Email Marketing is the next step for your digital marketing strategy so you can reach your current and existing customers with digital marketing.

Now your probably asking how can email marketing work to the benefit of your digital marketing business and why should you use it.

Well, the answer is simple if you already have an email list of customers that have already done business with you then you can with their permission send them out a newsletter on a weekly or monthly newsletter so they can view your upcoming or current offers with your business.

Now for those of you who are looking to build an email list then I will share with you below about a capture page for your current customers and new visitors can sign up for your offers.

The beauty of having an email list and using email marketing is every email on your list is worth $1.00 to $5.00 an email.

Now, your probably asking how are they worth so much with email marketing and the answer is if you have a list of even 100 recipients with your email list and you send out an email offering a product at $50.00 to buy and if only 2 customers buy do you get the picture.

Content Marketing is another digital marketing strategy you have got to do well with for your business.

Now content marketing is the process of uploading content to a website, blog, email marketing, or even social media and utilizing the way of getting your content out there to your visitors and customers for your digital marketing business.

Capture Page is a page that you can develop to offering others to signup for a promotion or even give away a free sample or even better like a free downloadable ebook.

The purpose of the capture page is to grow your email list so you can capitalize on sending out offers and promotions about your digital marketing business.

Now, these are some of the ways to capitalize on how to leverage your digital marketing strategy for your digital marketing business.

Benefits Of Digital Marketing

The benefits of digital marketing are you are given a chance to reach customers locally, nationally, and even globally if you so choose to do so.

If you can master the art of doing digital marketing correctly you can very well do it cheaply if you’re following it in the process of doing it compared to the traditional marketing methods that were imploded before the digital marketing age came along.

With the means of analytics at your disposal you can now track where the customers are coming from, what are they looking for, and what are the best tactics you can use for your digital marketing business.

If you are using, for example, social media as I talked about above you can build a brand and following faster than you ever thought before with digital marketing.

The other nice thing about the benefits of digital marketing is you have all kinds of ways to reach people locally or worldwide faster with the tools that I talked about above by the use of a website, blog, or capture page to attract visitors to your business.

With the power of having a website, you can achieve sales faster with your digital marketing business as they can order right from your website or links that you can show them without them even leaving the comfort of their homes.

So the benefits of digital marketing today can really help your business grow faster than you can blink an eye.

Digital Marketing Meaning

With the use of digital marketing, some people will ask me what does it mean by Digital Marketing Meaning.

Well, digital marketing is the process of reaching customers and visitors about your online business that you hope to entice others to buy and share your products online.

With the means of reaching others with email marketing, website marketing, content marketing, search engine platforms, social media, and lots of other ways to reach customers.

Digital Marketing For Business

With any digital marketing for a business, there can be benefits of it as long as you are aware of how you want to utilize the aspects of digital marketing for your business.

If you are looking to reach new customers online and you want a way to do it faster than waiting for them to find you well you can very well do this with some of the steps below.

  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Pay Per Click Advertising
  • Paid Solo Ads
  • Paid Ads On Social Media
  • Banner Ads

Now, these are ways that you can reach customers with your digital marketing business in the hopes of acquiring sales and making a profit after your cost of doing marketing with those platforms mentioned above.

Search Engine Marketing is where you create an advertiser account on the search engines for example Google, Bing, and Yahoo, and then create a campaign on that platform for them to show your ads online to reach new customers.

Pay Per Click Advertising is another way that is simpler to search engine marketing, you create a campaign and pay the advertiser like search engines or social media platforms a cost per click, so when someone clicks on your ad you pay a fee for that click.

Paid Solo Ads is kind of a little tricky and here’s why you pay an online digital marketing company to send out emails on your behalf in the hopes of attracting more customers.

Now be careful as some of these companies are telling you they will send out 25,000 emails to their subscribed list but are they really sending out that many who knows, they could be and maybe not, just be careful who you are dealing with.

Paid Ads On Social Media is where you create a campaign just like above and that social media platform will show your ads to their viewers and they work mostly on the pay per click as well.

Banner Ads are a great way to do business online with for example having banner ads showing your offers online on websites that fit into the segment and the target market you’re trying to reach.

You must have visited a website I’m sure where you see banners all over the website well this is the form of banner ads, you create your banner, upload it to the advertiser, they approve it, and you pay for so many impressions that you ordered.

When it comes to digital marketing for business this is only a small portion of what you can do for your digital marketing business so decide which works best for your business.

Digital Marketing Campaigns

Now digital marketing campaigns are a way for you to reach customers and visitors by the means of online marketing, for example, email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, and more ways that I talk about it above earlier in this post.

The main reason why I’m mentioning it again is to remind you that the process of any digital marketing campaigns is to deliver the way for you to reach customers throughout the ways of making sure you can achieve a profit and keep doing the steps of advertising with digital marketing campaigns.

With digital marketing campaigns, you have got to have a way for visitors and customers can fill out web forms like signing up to an email newsletter, or filling out a form that they can fill out more about the products your promoting.

You also need a place like providing content for example website or capture page so they can proceed in filling out those web forms.

Digital Marketing Key Points

The main key point in any digital marketing business is to really know how to correctly reach your customers and future customers by the way of doing it digitally of course.

You can like we discussed throughout this post by the means of content marketing, blogging, having a website, email marketing, social media, and all other forms of advertising online for your digital marketing business.


Successful in digital marketing for beginners is knowing how to follow a plan so you can do this part of your business the correct way with success.

You have got to create a digital marketing strategy so you can make sure your business gets going in the correct way of doing business for example a website or blog, or email marketing, social media marketing, or content marketing to achieve success.

The benefits of digital marketing far out ways the old traditional ways of reaching customers compared to digital marketing as you are given a chance to reach more customers faster with digital marketing.

With any digital marketing business, you have got to recognize the key points of where to focus your goals in digital marketing so you can stay in profit and keep promoting your digital marketing business with those platforms to keep doing business with them and gaining new customers as you move forward.

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I have also just published this post on What Digital Marketing Is All About which I think you will enjoy.


Jim Morrison

I hope you enjoyed this post of Successful In Digital Marketing For Beginners and I hope to see you again.