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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How To Make Money Blogging

How To Make Money Blogging lets talk about it.

Here is a list of ways you can decide if blogging is for you or not.

How To Make Money Blogging is something that gets everyone excited about starting their own blog. Now the truth is it’s a lot of hard work, sticking with a why reason on doing a blog, having the patience to see it through to become successful, and understand blogging takes time to make any money with it.

Before I get started I want to share with you also a special place for your new bloggers and present bloggers to get listed on the Top 100 Network Marketing Blogs to really expand your audience and brand.

Ok you want to start a blog and now you want it to be the best blog ever right.

Well, let’s get right to some of the facts about blogging first.

There are over 1.5 Billion Blogs on the internet and rising every day.

There is over 300 million blog post that is published online every day that are looking to make it to the top of the search engines.

Now, I’m not trying to discourage you from starting a blog I just want you to know the facts before you jump into starting a blog.

With that many blog posts being published a day, don’t you think all the search engines now can pick from the best blog post, well you bet ya?

So before you do decide to start a blog and I will list the ways below on how to make money blogging you better bring your A-game and do it right and create that blog everyone will love.

Here We Go On How To Make Money Blogging.

Step One of How To Make Money Blogging

How To Make Money Blogging

If your a brand new blog I would first start with Google Adsense to get your feet wet on how everything works in making money with ad space on your blog.

Google AdSense is a program you can signup for free as a publisher and starts advertising ads on your website and in return, you earn an income from visitors clicking on your ads.

Applying for a Google Adsense publisher account is pretty straight forward and most people do get approved with them.

Now there are some things you have got to make sure you don’t have against you.

Does your site have any penalties against your site from Google?

Do you already have a Google Adsense account already that was already shut down in the past for wrongdoing with there terms and conditions?

If everything is good with google you should be up and running in no time.

Now the one thing about using Google Adsense is you gotta make sure your traffic is genuine traffic.

Don’t use any of those so-called black hat services to get you traffic as google is very smart and they will catch you.

Don’t build a whole bunch of links to your site fast using black hat services again they will catch you trust me they will know.

Don’t click on any of your ads yourself or entice people to do the same as again they will find out.

Now as long as you use Google Adsense and do it without any of those negative things I have listed above you should be fine.

The only other thing about Google AdSense is the money is not great unless you got millions of visitors to your site every month.

So don’t look forward to buying anything more than pizza once a month, but that’s only if you first starting out.

If you have a lot of traffic no worries you can make a huge income with Google Adsense program.

Step Two Of How To Make Money Blogging

How To Make Money Blogging

Now once you establish your blog and want to branch out and try any of the Premiere Ad Networks here’s my recommendation.

  • Google AdSense they are a CPC ad network that is like I said above on top of their game like think about it its run by the largest search engine of the planet Google so they already know what works and what doesn’t and you get quality ads and great user experience.
  • they are another quality ad network that is power by Bing and Yahoo for their ads, so they offer CPA, CPM, and CPC Programs and they work best for bloggers also the quality of ads is very high with them as well.
  • Propeller Ads is another one of the ad networks that use CPA, CPM, and CPC Programs to earning you an income as well so hook up with them as they almost have instant approval on getting ads on your blog fast.
  • Mediavine is another ad network that you can signup with once you are at 25,000 page views and they pay on average $15.00 per 1000 RPM’s so if you get great organic traffic get a hold of them once you reach 25,000 page views.
  • AdThrive is another one of the premium ad networks who like Mediavine pay you a great income for 1000 RPM’s, I heard some bloggers are making anywhere from $15.00 per 1000 views to up to $45.00 per 1000 views, but again you need a lot of organic traffic to get the go-ahead to become a partner with them.

Now that is the premium ad networks that can really make you some serious money displaying ads on your blog but again you got to get approved with them and most will not take you unless you’re getting 25,000 page views a month and most of that traffic has to be organic and North American traffic.

Step Three On How To Make Money Blogging

How To Make Money Blogging

The next step for how to make money blogging is with affiliate marketing.

With affiliate marketing you don’t need to spend ten’s of thousands of dollars in order to get a product up and running as someone or some company has already done this for you.

Affiliate Marketing is a great way to start making money with your blog as they already have created the products for you to sell on your blog and earn a commission.

When you join an affiliate marketing program they assign you your very own referral links and code to the products and when you make a sale with that product you earn a commission.

They also supply you with your very own referral links, banners, and the website’s as well all linking you to the sale, and some of those really big affiliate companies have things set up that if your customer or visitor doesn’t buy today and they have not logged on for up to 30 days or longer you still get created with the sale if they come back again.

With affiliate marketing, the sky is the limit to products and ways to market all the stuff they are going to show you how to sell for them.

I personally like affiliate marketing as you can make money with them without all the risk of putting your own money upfront.

Step Four On How To Make Money Blogging

How To Make Money Blogging

My next step for you to try is Digital Products.

Now with digital products, you can literally make your own product or sell other digital products.

If you have the means and know-how on creating E-courses or E-books this is a great way to sell digital products on your blog and earn a good income from doing so.

If you don’t have any digital products to offer your visitor to your blog then signup to companies like Clickbank or CJaffiiliate and offer some of their digital products on your blog to earning income 24-7.

The other nice thing about digital products you don’t have to worry about shipping the products to your customer’s door and have to worry about shipping the product and fees associated with that as well.

If you really know your target market you will have no problem finding a digital product to offer your blog readers when they visit your blog.

Step Five On How To Make Money Blogging

How To Make Money Blogging

My next step can be real money make as well.

Sponsored Content is another way you can make money from your blog and keep charging this fee month after month.

Companies and individuals will pay you a handsome price to have their content posted on your blog month after month.

Now once you become a real force in the blogging world and have a great following to your blog you can charge thousands of dollars a month in sponsored content.

I know some bloggers are making up to $3000.00 a month for sponsored content so if you only had a couple of these a month I’m sure you wouldn’t turn it down right.

Step Six on How To Make Money Blogging

How To Make Money Blogging

Now this one of love the most as you can really make a lot of money from referring others to services like website hosting.

Website hosting providers will pay you a really good income from referring others to their site and having them set up a website with them.

For example, Bluehost will pay you up to $65.00 per customer who decides to buy some hosting with them.

how to make money blogging

Also, Godaddy also has a great affiliate program as well where they will pay you for supplying them with customers with website hosting, website domain registers, and the sale of SSL certificates that people need.

So when it comes to providing services like that then I would also advertise this on your blog.

Step Seven On How To Make Money Blogging

How To Make Money Blogging

Now with this step, I’m going to go back in time a big before the digital age of making money online.

You can join the retail giants to make money on your blog with companies like.

  • Target Affiliate Program
  • Amazon Affiliate Program
  • Walmart Affiliate Program
  • Ebay Affiiaate Program

Now, these are proven companies to join that you can make some money posting their products and banners on your blog so you may want to give them a try.

I hope you enjoyed this post of How To Make Money Blogging and I also just released this post not too long ago How To Start A Blog and this post Is Blogging Worth Doing Now.

So until next time my fellow readers and bloggers, happy reading and blogging and I hope to see you again for my next post.


Jim Morrison

Monday, July 27, 2020

How To Make Money From Home

How To Make Money From Home

How To Make Money From Home is something that keeps getting searched for every day and it keeps an upward trend online. Absolutely you can very well make money from home and this guide will help you decide if it is for you.

This guide is something you can take action on and follow these tips in this guide to hopefully making you some money from home.

How to make money from home is not going to be easy for some of you at first.

The thing about how to make money from home is something that will come with trial and error.

I hope you get great value with this guide and hopefully, you can eliminate a lot of the hours I did on choosing how to make money from home.

The nice thing about how to make money from home is you are given the chance to work on your own terms.

If you hate your day job as some people do then how to make money from home is something you should try part-time and see if it will work for you.

When you work from home you’re given the chance to work the hours you want, enjoy more family time, and your not limited to how much make money from home you can make, so you can turn this into a full-time income or more.

How to make money from home is something anyone can choose and be successful at doing.

You won’t have a nagging boss stand over you, working all those hours to make someone else most of the money.

When it comes to working from home, you don’t need transportation to get to your job, you set your own hours if possible, you can earn a passive income, and have the mindset and willingness to learn as you grow and have great success doing it.

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

So let’s get to it and let me show you in this guide how to make money from home for beginners.

Start A Blog
Sell On Fiverr
Affiliate Marketing
Your Very Own Info Product
Create Your Very Own Online Course
Social Media Professional
Webhosting and Domain Registration
Trade Cryptocurrency
Sell Your Unwanted Stuff
FreeLance Writing

1. Start A Blog

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

Starting a blog is a great way to not only share your passion for something but its also a great way on how to make money from home for those with the desire to do so.

Now, starting a blog is not going to be easy at first but as you go along your going to love your blog and the benefits you can receive from doing so.

Creating a blog is an awesome way of generating a good home-based income from home or traveling the world doing it, you can really do well by setting up a blog for paying you over and over again.

With blogging, it does take time for you to see any rewards in doing so.

When you post an article online the search engines are not going to list your article online just because you posted an article.

It takes time to get any articles listed on google for example and it can take up to 6 months to 1 year in doing so.

So let’s say you post an article today and publish it, then you can count on 6 months from then to get that article ranked on the search engines, but once you are starting to see results it comes in steady after that.

Now if you already have a blog online then you can get those articles ranked quicker but you got to be able to show authority with your blog first and again it will start to show in the long run.

For those of you who decide to start a blog as I said above its not a quick way to earn money from home and it will take about 1 year from the time you start to earn any money with a blog.

Now if you decide this is for you then you’re planting the seeds now and you will see the benefits happen over time with your blog.

Here’s the proper way I think to start a blog.

  • Pick a topic for your blog, like what are you going to write about, do you have an interest in the health and wellness niche, or is it in the travel niche, this has got to be something you have got to figure out for your self what you’re going to write about.
  • Select a platform of how you’re going to show your blog and for the techy stuff, what I mean here is are you going to use WordPress, Wix, Blogger, or even Medium to start. If you haven’t yet decided I wrote an article about How To Start A Blog a while back check this one out for yourself.
  • Pick A Domain Name to get you going I should have listed this one first, but pick a name that goes with your topic or niche you’re going to blog about, I highly recommend BlueHost and Godaddy for setting up a blog.
  • Finding a hosting company like BlueHost and Godaddy is key so your blog is up and running most of the time.
  • Install the right plugins, link Smush, Hummingbird, and SuperCache so your site is being cached and the speed is top-notch in doing so for your traffic.
  • Install the AMP plugging as well as almost half of the traffic now is on mobile so you don’t want to lose out here as well.
  • Install Google Analytics to your site so you know where and when your traffic is come from.
  • Learn SEO so you can again know how to get your target market to your site for conventions of sales.
  • Creating Awesome content is another key to making sure your blog gets a notice on the search results and getting traffic.

Starting a blog is again so rewarding over time, but it does take time to start a blog and get it going.

It requires a lot of hard work and dedication to start a blog the right way.

You’re probably asking me how starting a blog the right way means and my answers are.

Wake up an hour early if you already have a day job or course to take that ties up your day.

If you don’t have time in the morning to do it for 1 hour at night to write your blog posts.

Make sure you write a blog post at least once a week not 1 post every 3 or 4 weeks as this won’t gain you the recognition that you’re looking to earn as it’s going to take years for your blog to get noticed.

Creating quality content also means posting at least minimal of 1 post a week I would aim personally for 3 to 4 posts a week until you reach the 50 article mark.

Now once your blog becomes known you can literally hire out some of the articles out to companies like Hirewriters, IWriters, and Upwork to just name a few.

Starting a blog can pay you passive income over and over again once you are a well-organized blog and you can literally have people wanting to write articles for you so your adding content to your blog a lot for the means of them getting those links to their site back to them as well.

So again plant the seeds now are get rewarded down the road it won’t happen at first but it’s well worth it if you stick with blogging as well.

2. Sell On Fiverr

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

Selling on Fiverr is a great way for you to start selling your products and services to those who are looking to add something they don’t have the time in doing themselves or lack in the experience of doing.

The nice thing about Fiverr is you get access to the millions of people on their platform without the worries of starting from scratch in trying to find customers online.

Fiverr has millions of customers just waiting to find your offers to the products and services you have to show them.

If your into building websites for an example then Fiverr can get you the customers pointed to you for those looking to get their websites built.

There is literally 10’s of thousands of services you can sell on Fiverr and acquire customers on a daily basis with them.

Once you have acquired a good rating with your customers on fiverr and maintain that quality and service with them, you will have no problem getting customers with them over and over.

Using Fiverr is also a way to use a platform that is well known in the space and the search engines so getting traffic to your products and services should work out fine for you in your quest of how to make money from home for beginners.

3. Affiliate Marketing

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

With affiliate marketing its not a get rich quick scheme and it will take time to make money with them.

It can be a very rewarding and lucrative way of earning a very good income from home or as a side gig for extra money.

Nice the thing about affiliate marketing and how to make money from home is you don’t need to create a product or service yourself.

Creating a product or service can literally cost you thousands of dollars to get started before you even make a sale.

With affiliate marketing, you sign up to that program usually for free and they provide you with the products and services to promote.

When you join them they supply you with your very own links, banners, and website to promote their brand and products.

Now every time that someone buys from your links, banners, and website there is an embedded code linking to your account, and you are given created for the sale.

Some of these affiliate programs have a cookie session attached to your traffic you send them so if they don’t buy today and come back in 7 days you’re still credited with that sale.

You can join some of the bigger affiliate marketing programs like Clickbank,, and CJ affiliate to just name a few.

If you decide to join any of these programs with affiliate marketing you can very well make money from home with them.

4. Your Very Own Info Product

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

Starting your very own info product is another awesome and great way how to make money from home and earn a decent living doing so.

The nice thing about your very own info product is once you have created your product you can set the amount of what the product will cost the customers to buy it from you.

Mostly all the money that you get from your very own info product is yours so you don’t have to worry about anyone else taking any of the commissions your earning.

If you want to reach the masses you can set it up with any of the online retailers like Clickbank for example and list it with them and have other affiliates with Clickbank sell the product for you as well, but again you have to pay them to do it.

If it was me I would just sell the info product on my very own website and earn most of the income myself, but that’s me.

You just gotta ask yourself do you want all the sales yourself or are you willing to share the sales with others, just figure out the number to see what works for you.

For example, 1000 of your very own info products at say $29.00 would be $29,000.00 to you.

Or 25,000 info products sold in the Clickbank affiliate program then you get paid 5.00 to you for every one of those sold and you hardly did any of the work to get the sale to remember, this is what you have to consider

Whatever you decide I think you will do fine either way.

5. Create Your Very Own Online Course

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

Creating your very own online course is something that does require a little bit of your time and you have got to be able to show others the value in what it does for the customer.

If you have the talent or being a professional in your career or background you can very well do awesome in creating your very own online course.

Companies like Teachable for example do this for people looking to take a course online that they can do on their own time without the rush of being strapped down on a computer at a certain time.

The nice thing I love about creating your very own online course is once it’s done you can reap the rewards of getting paid over and over again when people keep buying this course from you online.

Now like I said before it takes a little bit of work, but in the long run, you’re creating a passive income from doing it.

6. Social Media Professional

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

Doing Social Media as a way of how to make money from home is another one of those ways to achieve great income from home.

If you already know how to organize and run a social media account then this could be just what you’re looking for with this subject.

There are literally hundreds of companies out there wanting people just like you in creating, organizing, and running their social media account for them every day, as they just don’t have the time to do so when it comes to things, for example, customer support, that they are taking care of.

If you can build up the reputation of being a guru in running social media accounts you can very well make a big income from doing so.

7. Webhosting and Domain Registration

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

Now this one believes it or not can make you a ton of money from referring others to Webhosting and domain registration.

Just to name a couple Bluehost pays you a whopping $65.00 a sale when someone takes Webhosting, like wow this is once of the best in the industry.

Godaddy has an affiliate program as well that will pay you an awesome fee for not only referring others to their Webhosting but they also offer other ways to make a commission from domain registrations to selling SSL certificates to customers.

How To Make Money From Home Guide 10 Ideas 1

You have to sign up for the Godaddy affiliate program through CJaffiliate at the time of this me writing this post so it might have changed.

8. Trade Cryptocurrency

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

Now cryptocurrency still to this day is something a lot of people haven’t even heard of in 2020.

I myself talk to people about cryptocurrency and when I mention Bitcoin and they look at me like I’m from another point in time.

For those of you who don’t know yet what cryptocurrency is well you are going to know all about it in the future as with anything in time, the currencies change as time goes on.

Most people to this day think cryptocurrency is just a trend that will one day go away.

Well, I hate to tell you it’s not going to go away any time soon and here’s why.

Cryptocurrency on the blockchain technology is so much faster than normal banking and what I mean but this is when you send money from one country to another country it can take a couple of days sometimes for the funds to clear.

Now with cryptocurrency when you send this type of currency over the blockchain is instant.

Also, with cryptocurrency, you don’t need to print money so once it’s well-adapted I think it will be the norm for people to use it.

Now for those of you who are interested in the trading of cryptocurrency you can literally make a small fortune by doing so now as long as you know when do buy and sell on the trading markets.

Most cryptocurrencies are high risk so let me be clear on that right from the start so make sure you know what you’re doing with them when it comes to trading them.

With any self-made millionaire, fortunes are made by getting in on the trend early and acting on a risk.

So maybe this is something that you may want to get involved in and learning the trading of cryptocurrencies.

9. Sell Your Unwanted Stuff

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

Before you start with any other business online why not try selling your unwanted stuff and gain some capital in the things your not using.

There are now so many places online that you can start selling stuff to earn some income.

Places like eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist just to name a few.

With these platforms of selling online you can also earn a full-time income from doing it as well.

You just have to hook up with an online supplier to buy at wholesale and then retail them on any of those platforms I listed here like eBay and Amazon for example.

I also call this Retail Arbitrage, you buy low and sell high.

Who knows you may enjoy it so much selling stuff online this just may be what you’re looking for.

10. FreeLance Writing

How To Make Money From Home Guide For Beginners

Freelance writing is something that you may want to try your hand with.

Do you have a passion for writing and love the aspect of earning dollars from home for doing so.

Upwork and Textbroker have all kinds of writing jobs that you can start with and earning an income from home.

It’s not a big income when you first start out but once you become a well-known writer with them you can really make money with them on a constant basis.

They have assignments there where you can start for as little as 0.01 cents per word but again as your writing gets better so does the income.

I hope you enjoyed this article of How To Make Money From Home.

I could have added a lot more ways of earning income, but I wanted to list the ones I think that will give you a lot of income over time than the ones that other people are listing that will only pay you about 100.00 a week for 80 hours of work so I would ignore those ones.

If you liked this post please share it with your family and friends.

I also just released this article Content Marketing and SEO and I also hope you like it.

So until the next time my fellow readers and bloggers happy reading and blogging.


Jim Morrison

How To Make Money From Home Guide 10 Ideas 2

Monday, July 20, 2020

Content Marketing And SEO

Content Marketing And SEO lets talk about it.

Content Marketing And SEO has two purposes. Content marketing is the process of acquiring customers through the content of what the customers are looking for and to get their problems and questions answered. SEO is the technical aspect of knowing how to get that customer to your site to increase traffic and sales.

Content marketing and SEO are the two most important factors for any website or business to succeed online and knowing how to take it to the next level of gaining traffic to convert to sales.

Content Marketing And SEO
Search Engine Optimization For Your Business

If you are new to Content Marketing and SEO and you’re just getting starting with your very own website you need to learn Content Marketing and SEO and make them work together for your business.

But first, let me explain this for those of you who are just starting their website or blog so you can get a good understanding of content marketing and SEO.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the process of writing quality content on your website or blog.

Anyone can start a website or blog and add some content to their site, but is it quality content that you have got to create to get great rankings, not just content you just feel writing about.

This is were a lot of people go wrong with adding content to their website.

Let’s use a blog site for example if your adding content to a blog site here’s a few tips to keep you focused on quality content marketing.

  • Never write content about you as most people don’t care about your daily life most of the time.
  • Write quality content that people are searching for as most times they are looking for answers to their own problems.
  • People are on your site to get results to what they need help with so make sure you see your content through their eyes.
  • Make sure your content is yours and original content that you created, don’t copy other website content as in time this will do you more harm than good.
  • Be able to provide answers to what people are looking for as this is the main reason they keep coming to visit your site.
  • Make sure before you post content that you have taken the time and do research on it, for example, if don’t have experience in marketing, then take a marketing course and learn some topics on it.
  • Try your best to always outdo your competition on the content like if you adding a blog post to your site also add videos and links as well.
  • Make your content actionable as well like this could be linking to other posts you have as you want your visitors to stay on your site as long as possible.
  • Make your content as detailed as possible to keeping everyone on your site so they always keep looking forward to the next piece of content your posting.

Content marketing is knowing how to explain it to your visitor to gaining them as a new customer or having current customers return over and over again.

Once you have figured out how to target your market and know how to get them to your website which is part of the SEO that I will explain shortly then you can focus on the content for your site.

Let’s say you have done your research on how to target your market, now the whole process of content marketing is to know who your clients and customers are and what you have to offer in your content.

The main reason for content marketing is to build a strong relationship with your current and new customers, so the better your content is on your site the more engaged your customers will be on your site.

If you have created quality content then getting them to take action on your site comes a little bit easier.

When your producing content on your site I can’t say this enough, if the content is not well researched and presented for quality content, you could be years before you start ranking on the search engines.

Getting on the search engines with quality content is no easy task and if the content is not well prepared you may as well forget about the rankings.

The best way to get quality content and SEO working together is something that will take time but I’m sure you will learn this with no issues if you set your mind to it.

When it comes to adding content to your site always remember that does it add any value to your targeted market and if it does then chances are you are getting a better chance to succeed in your business.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

Without SEO your site is not going to do well in rankings or people finding you organically on the search engines.

Content Marketing and SEO why do you need both?

Content marketing and SEO both work for hand and hand without one or the other you may as well forget about being successful online.

It’s like having a website without product or content to show your visitors, you need both to make it work.

Search Engine Optimization SEO, lets dig deeper in this topic.

SEO is what’s going to make your site stand out from the others if done right.

In order for any website to get a good SEO score, there are many factors to consider making any site perform well and getting that traffic from organic clicks.

Write Quality Content
Perform proper Title tags
Perform proper Meta Descriptions for your content
Subheadings in your content
Alt Tags for the images you have posted
Internal links that you have pointing to other websites that have a good domain score

Your title tags should be no longer than 70 characters if all possible.

Meta tags are your description of what the page is all about I would not exceed any more than 160 characters for this one.

Add subheadings to your content like H1, H2, and H3, and so on so the search engines can understand better what the page is about and get a better understanding of it as well.

Alt tags are very important as well, as search engines can’t read an image on your site so they don’t know what it’s about so adding a text to the alt image will tell the search engines what it’s about.

Internal links pointing to other high domain sites to show the search engines your linking to quality content as well.

Ok with all of that said from above let’s get to the techy stuff of how to improve your SEO for your site.

Now what I’m about to help you understand might come a bit hard for some of you to absorb so don’t try to do this all in one day for your website when it comes to learning the following SEO practices.

Try to learn these other steps over the course of a month or so, and when you do I’m sure you will have fun doing it and you might even look forward to doing it all the time to stay up to date with it.

Here are the steps to learn and master below.

On-Site Optimization
Mobile Friendliness
User Experience
Search Accessibility
Quality Content
Social Media
Link Profile
Keyword Research
Page Speed
Local Optimization

On-Site Optimization

On-Site Optimization is the practice of on-page SEO to gaining traffic and organic clicks from search engines.

It’s also a way of optimizing a web page without relying on backlinks for getting you traffic over time.

With on-site optimization, if you can master this one you’re on your way to not only organic traffic but you’re also going to build links as well faster than you have imagined, the reason being if you are ranking well with your on-site optimization you going to get traffic and the more traffic the more links your going to get naturally if you are writing and presenting great content.

Mobile Friendliness

Your site needs to be mobile-friendly today in order to get good rankings from the search engines and to have customers keep coming back to your site.

Now you’re probably asking why this is important.

50 to 60 percent of the web traffic now is on mobile and it’s only going to get higher and higher as more and more people are only using desktop computers and laptops for work or when they are home.

Now for a lot of people with the power of all these new mobile phones it just so easy now to get online and surf the web with these devices.

Google now is only giving good rankings to those websites that are mobile-friendly so make sure your site is mobile friendly.

You can check this at google mobile test here.

User Experience

User experience is another one of those factors that the search engines will have you rank higher as well.

How well is your site in readability?

Are you using short paragraphs that are more readable on mobile.

Is your design clean and easy to understand what your site is about?

Can users find what they are looking for quickly as today everyone is on a speed test for some reason no harm intended?

Does your website design have great functionality for desktop, laptop, and mobile this is key as well?

Search Accessibility

Does your site have a search accessibility function, now this is not required but it will give your site some kudos from the search engines with this option?

Quality Content

Quality Content is the major one for this topic without it your site is doomed.

Now what I mean here is just don’t write anything about your daily life in general.

Select your topic you’re going to have content for, and really get in-depth with it and do your best to explain everything you can about it.

The way I try to tell others about quality content is if your writing a blog post and its not at least 2000 words here’s what’s going to happen.

Google for example is probably not going to rank your post on their search engines high enough they will rank it but on the 1000 page and no one is going to go and see it there I’m sure.

There are literally over 1.5 billion blogs on the internet today, and over 3 million blog post are published every day online.

So google has got a lot to choose from when it comes to showing who gets ranked and who doesn’t get ranked.

If you publish a blog post over 2000 words for example and they are staying there the whole time to read that post that tells google they are staying there longer and tells them your content is awesome.

So really try your best to write quality content as you got a lot of others online trying to do the same.

Social Media

Social media is something that will help you in getting your SEO optimization in the correct order as well and here are the reasons why.

The search engines are looking for pings back to your site from social media.

If you already don’t have a social media account set up for your site then I would get this one done as fast as you can get it done.

Now the first thing to do is select your favorite social media you want to use and get setup up with them.

My first step to do is to try your best to get the same name as your website as the same name in your social media account

So lest say your selling marketing services and your site is marketing123 for an example then if you’re going to use social media get that name marketing123 as your social media account as this helps in your SEO for the identity of who you are to the search engines.

The next thing I would do is only concentrate your efforts on one social media account but get on as many of them as you can in case down the road you expand your social media.

If your selling products like health and wellness stuff then I would suggest Pinterest as most of the traffic on there are women.

Now if your selling network marketing products I would use twitter for that type of niche.

The main point in using social media is to don’t get too absorbed using multiple platforms at first as these social media account can be time-consuming.

Try your hand at one of them when you first start out using social media and expand as you grow.

Link Profile

Linking your profile means a little more than just linking a profile to your social media.

When you create your social media accounts, link your profile from your home page to your social media accounts.

Also, create an about you page on your site and include your linked profiles to your social media accounts as well as this will again show the search engines your identity and trustworthiness.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research is another one of those SEO practices you have got to get good at doing.

There are tons of videos out there that you can watch on say Youtube but do you have the time to do that probably not.

What I would suggest is to use tools like Google Trends to find out what people are searching for in Keyword Research.

You can also use this great tool as well answerthepublic also or ubersuggest to get you going in your Keyword Research.

Just make sure you select your keywords wisely as this is what everyone else out there is doing to get traffic to their sites.

Page Speed

Page Speed is a make or break a good site from doing well on the search engines.

Go to google page speed test tool and get what your page speed is showing up on mobile and desktop.

If your site is below an average of 65 you need to get that increased to at least 80 or higher to dominate the rankings for your site for indexing well on the search engines.

Local Optimization

Local Optimization is where a lot of people go wrong with their website and expanding their SEO and content marketing.

Set up your page and you have your business name and address on your website to again get kudos from the search engines.

Now, this is not required but it will help you in the local searches on the search engines.

Let’s say your offering network marketing services in saying Boise Idaho then make sure on your home page you place your business address on the home page for getting local optimization done.

Also, set up a google my business page to help in that as well.

Content Marketing And SEO how do they really work to benefit you as they work as one.

Content Marketing and SEO

Content marketing is again on how well you can place your content on your site.

You need content marketing to be quality content and ease of use and great user experience to find an answer to what your customer or visitors are looking for.

SEO is the process of ranking your web page well with the content you are publishing on your site to get that traffic and rankings.

You can try the PPC strategy and these do have their benefits for the short term and long term as well.

With PPC you buy ad spots on say google, and you are given traffic from google to your ads.

Now once your budget is used up on your ads the traffic stops that day.

This type of marketing is great if you have a great page and sales page to make the sales so if you’re looking to make a profit from day one you very well can with PPC marketing.

Now the bad thing like I said above once your budget is used up the traffic and sales stop.

With great content marketing and SEO your planting, the traffic for the future, and what I mean by this is if you have great content and SEO done on your site in the long term you will start receiving organic traffic over and over again.

The only bad thing about it is it takes time to build up that traffic and can become very time consuming to get it right but it’s well worth the reward in the long run.

I hope you enjoyed this post on Content Marketing And SEO and please take a look at my other post I just posted a couple of days ago What Is Network Marketing and How Does Network Marketing Business Work

So until next time my fellow readers and bloggers, happy reading and blogging and I hope to see you again.


Jim Morrison

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Lions Share Smart Contract

Lions Share Smart Contract the opportunity many of us online digital marketers often refer to earnings opportunities as ways of making money opportunities

Let’s talk about Lions Share

It is based on the particular features of the Ethereum cryptocurrency and it enables you to earn a long term residual income just by referring 3 other people and asking them to do the same as you.

Lions Share is a Smart Contract Crypto earnings program that you work from home at your own leisure. There is no time limit or target or pressure to achieve success with this program.

I’m going, to be honest here, whoever designed this program to earn Ethereum from the blockchain and also incorporate the multi-level marketing aspect into it as well is a genius.

If you don’t like the thought of risk trading your cryptocurrency on the blockchain for gains, this is the most ingenious way of earning crypto while you carry on with your daily life.

I suspect other cryptocurrency developers will follow the lead here and take this type of platform to the masses as well.

The Smart Contract is an established blockchain technology that refers to a type of automated digital contract that is almost unbreakable and unchangeable.

Lions Share closed its doors or its website, this program would still automatically function.

This means that no human being can ever interfere or prevent the intended functioning of the prescribed process, either by bad intention or incompetence as long as the blockchain keeps working its a totally awesome concept.

For those of us that have been in MLM / Multi-Level Marketing for years and seen all the associated failures, scams, and shutdowns, then an unbreakable opportunity like this is surely a breath of fresh air, to say the least for those of you who are trying to get this done in the beginning stages of learning crypto and blockchain.

This is huge as this program is going to be the big market trend for now and the months to come.

To Join Lions Share requires a one-time payment of just 0.04 Ethereum, which is less than $10.00 USD at the time of me publishing this post.

This is a program that is set up the same way as any MLM/Multi-Level Marketing program as well, and the structure is based on the same type of system.

The more people you refer the more income you will make.

But the nice thing about this progam you can receive spillover as well from people above you in your team, but its not guaranteed.

If you join a team and that team above you does nothing you won’t get spillover, so don’t rely on joining and filling your pockets with no efforts from them above you.

Learn others how to duplicate this process and you will make money with this program.

Lions Share is set up to work with one of two Wallets.

Depending on whether you wish to administer this program with your Smartphone/tablet, or with your computer — Either Trust wallet for your mobile/tablet or Metamask for your computer.

Trust Wallet — Only for when you use your Mobile Device for your LionShare activities:

MetaMask Wallet — Only for using your Laptop or Desktop Computer for your LionShare activities:

LionShare is:

Secure — Scam free, Protected by an Ethereum Smart Contract

Inexpensive — You only need a one-time payment of 0.065 ETH

Reassuring — You are automatically paid by smart contract into your own crypto wallet

Private — Cryptocurrency anonymity, so no need to create an account or give personal details.

Lucrative — The Matrix and cycler program gives you 24 Income Streams.

Ethical — Everyone gets a chance to succeed and nobody can abuse the system

Lions Share is the new smart contract to earn Ethereum on the Blockchain so I hope you capitalize on the LionsShare Smart Contract.

I hope you enjoyed this post LionsShare Smart Contract and come back again for my next post.

So until next time my fellow readers and bloggers, happy reading and blogging.


Jim Morrison

What Is Network Marketing Absolutely About

What Is Network Marketing Absolutely About and how you can start off in the right direction in any network marketing business is something that gets searched for every day online.

You are probably asking how to do network marketing and knowing the correct steps in doing so for success.

If you’re looking to learn about What Is Network Marketing Absolutely About and you want it to be as simple and straight forward as possible, then I have a list of steps that will show you ways that you can be very good at network marketing.

Lets first talk about Network Marketing, Multi-Level Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing so you have a better understanding of all three and what is so great about them all in their ways and uses.

Network Marketing is an industry that has produced millionaires but very rarely do people get rich in this business.

What Is Network Marketing

Network Marketing is a business model of which a whole group of affiliates join the network marketing business and grow in the process of sponsoring others to join them to make the whole process of their whole network marketing team build.

The bigger the network of marketers who join that company the better it will be for the whole company in product distribution and sales.

Network Marketing is a great way to try to do something as a side gig or hustle and work at it part-time, full time, or just whenever you feel like it.

Most network marketing companies that you join require a small setup fee or some kind of membership kit to join which is usually a small investment to start.

Some of the bigger brand companies are Tupperware and Mary Kay who are tied to the network marketing business model.

You have got to really be careful when you join some of these network marketing programs as some are in the business to only show you how to sponsor others to get paid a commission and if that is the case, they can be illegal to join in some parts of the world so be careful and do your research on them first.

If you are looking to join a business opportunity for the benefits of getting a tax break a lot of these network marketing programs don’t fall into the legal aspects of this so again do some research.

Now with all the negative things about network marketing you can very well do fantastic with network marketing and have a very rewarding life doing so with it so give it a try, who knows you can maybe one day make millions with it.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a strategy that companies use to encourage their current affiliates to sponsor new affiliates under them.

Multi-Level Marketing

Multi-Level Marketing is a way that you are rewarded and paid a commission for every person you sponsor into the business model they are getting you to join and you earn a small profit for the life of the group you recruit if you stay active with them.

The bad thing I personally don’t like about multi-level marketing companies is if they are getting you to sponsor others to join you, and that’s your main way of earning an income it tells me what is their actual products like if they are focusing on you sponsoring others more to get paid.

Here’s the telltale sign of a Multi-Level Marketing Program that is not worth joining.

  • Hyped Up Product Claims
  • Pressure For You To Sponsor Then Sell Products
  • They Pressure You To Buy Stock Than You Want To Buy
  • Poor Reviews Online Like Better Business Bureau
  • No Company Support
  • Poor Quality Of Products And Services
  • Pressure To Sell And Recruit
  • You Only Make Money/Commissions When You Sponsor

Multi-Level Marketing is again a legal business model is followed in the correct and legal way, but the FTC does from time to time investigate them to making sure everything is done right and legally, as some of these MLM companies do operate on the pyramid scheme model.

Determining if the company is a multi-level marketing company or a pyramid scheme is an easy way to figure out.

If you are earning your income from the sale of products and services and also earn a small commission from sponsoring others to join you its a good multi-level marketing business to get involved with, but again do your research.

Now, if your only earning an income from sponsoring others and so on and so on, and your not getting paid for your sponsored promoting products then is got a pyramid scheme written all over it.

Affiliate Marketing is the way of earning commissions from referring others to other people’s products and services.

Affiliate Marketing is a great way to get into a marketing business venture without coming up with your very own product to get started.

If your looking for a great way to earning some income without the hassle of joining a network marketing company, multi-level marketing company, or an MLM business this one will be a great fit for you.

The nice thing about affiliate marketing is you can work on your own terms, don’t have to attend all those webinars or training sessions, and home meetups like the general network marketing business model has you doing all the time.

When it comes to selling the products and services with affiliate marketing your not pestering friends and family like those network marketing companies who try to get you to bug from the first day getting started.

The general aspects of any affiliate marketing business are great for all kinds of reasons to get started with them.

One of the biggest advantages of affiliate marketing is you almost never pay anything to get started, you just find a product and service you love and promote it to the world with your very own affiliate links or your very own website they supply you with.

Its an all in the box business for you without the financial risk of starting your very own product or service that can literally cost you thousands of dollars to create.

When you make a sale everything is tracked with your affiliate links and you get paid a small commission for referring that sale.

If you already have a website or mailing list created you can make some money with your affiliate marketing business right from day one.

With affiliate marketing, you get paid lots of different ways depending on the program.

Some affiliate marketing programs pay you a small commission for every sale, some pay you pay per lead you send them, and some pay you per click from that IP address you send along their way.

The nice thing about affiliate marketing also is you don’t have to be there for customer support as they handle that.

You get a chance to work from home one your terms of when you work and don’t.

When it comes to getting bonuses with them the sky is the limit as some affiliate marketing programs offer incentives and bonuses to entice their affiliate to promote and the rewards can be awesome.

So if you decide to do affiliate marketing then give it a try as I’m sure if you promote the right product you will do fine with it.

Network Marketing

If you want to really learn more about affiliate marketing please visit my other post Actionable Affiliate Marketing For Beginners In 2020

Network Marketing and how you can achieve greatness is something that will take you time to master but follow my advice below for my ways of doing just fine with network marketing.

Some key points to look for before you sign up for any network marketing business.

Getting A Product Or Service You Will Be Happy To Offer Others In Your Network Marketing Business
How Old Is The Company Your Going To Join
Deciding How Bad Do You Really Want It
Knowing Your Products And Know Them Well
How To Sponsor And Get New Sales Customers
Sponsoring New Members
Getting Back To Your Leads

The nice thing about network marketing is you are given a chance to work on your terms from home or anywhere you desire around the world.

If you hate the thought of punching a time clock and having bosses tell you what to do every day then network marketing might be something you may want to try.

Now, if you decide to get involved with any network marketing programs, I’m going, to be honest here with you, most people don’t get rich off of network marketing programs.

  • 1 percent of the people who do network marketing make over 7 figures a year
  • 5 percent make about 6 figures a year
  • 10 to 20 percent make a little more than $25,000.00 a year with it
  • 30 percent make their small investment back for those who join at started for under $1000.00
  • 54 percent of the others don’t make a dime with it usually

With any business that you do, you get out of it what you put into it, so network marketing is no different.

If you can follow the system and reach out to your upline in your network marketing business then I see you achieving great results at it with any network marketing business you decide to join.

Types Of Network Marketing are listed below in the bullet points outlined.

In general most of the network marketing companies will fall into these 6 categories.

  • Health and Wellness
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care
  • Internet Marketing Companies
  • E-commerce Companies
  • Internet Service Companies
  • Party Plans

Network Marketing is not going to be very easy at first, but with the right attitude, mindset, training, and commitment you should become very successful in any network marketing business model.

Network marketing is a fantastic way for you to break that chain of being strapped down on a regular 9 to 5 job.

If you are one of those people who hate going to work Monday to Friday and working 40 plus hours per week then network marketing might be just what your looking for.

You can decide when you work and when you don’t with Network Marketing.

The nice thing about What Is Network Marketing you don’t have someone standing over you telling you what to do, how to do it, what you can earn, and you can also go after the huge bonuses and incentives on your terms with network marketing.

With any and most network marketing companies you are creating a passive income.

What I mean by passive income with a normal 9 to 5 job you only get paid for the hours you work and if you don’t show up to work you earn nothing, unless you got a really great job that pays you to not show up.

Now with network marketing, you can build a passive income by sponsoring others to join you and you earn a small commission for their efforts so you’re going to earn whether you are doing the business or sitting on a beach that’s the power of passive income.

If you take the time and learn everything you can about your network marketing and learn the basics of What Is Network Marketing business and give it some time and don’t give up I’m sure you will do fine in your network marketing business.

I hope you enjoyed this post on What Is Network Marketing and please read the other post I just released How To Do Network Marketing And Be Amazing

Before you join any program make sure you do some research and see what they fall into from above.

So until next time my fellow readers and bloggers, happy reading and blogging and I hope to see you come back again for my next post.


Jim Morrison