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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Is Blogging Worth Doing Now To Become Successful In 2020

Is Blogging Worth Doing Now To Become Successful In 2020? Yes, the answer here is definitely you can become very successful in blogging if you are willing to do it correctly. So I encourage you to learn this in the right steps of Is Blogging Worth Doing Now To Become Successful In 2020.

Blogging in the year 2020 and beyond is still going to be a big business for bloggers and companies alike.

Bloggers and Big Marketing Companies are still blogging day and night looking for those added ways to generate traffic and visitors to their website.

Like I said before and will say it again Content is King when it comes to gaining visitors and traffic to your website and offers to show to others online.

From individual bloggers to massive marketing teams blogging is still the best way over time to gain massive traffic to your website with organic natural traffic.

Search engines just love content and the more content you can give them the better off your site will be in the long turn.

Many people turn to blogs to answer their questions on products and services they are looking to find out about online.

The main point in your starting a blog and you want it to be successful make sure you are answering people’s questions on the topics they are researching if you do you will have a ton of traffic.

If you want to really excel with your business and brand and gain a lot of traffic over time to your offers you need to start a blog.

The reason why you need to start a blog in my opinion search engines love content as I said above, they have moved away from indexing sites just static pages as they used to at one time before.

Now the search engines are looking for content to get your site indexed and if you’re not providing content updated to your site over time or have a lot of content to offer you not going to rank well with the search engines.

Content is king and if you have really great content and a lot of posts that are answering the viewer’s questions or a go-to place to help them in any way your site will prosper.

If your new to blogging and want to start off the right way follow the steps below in doing it right the first time.

1. Picking the Right Niche For Your Blog
2. Setting Up Web hosting and WordPress
3. Design Of Your Blog
4. Creating Awesome Content
5. When To Monetize Your Blog
6. SEO
7. Knowing If Your Blog Will Survive The Long Run

Picking the Right Niche For Your Blog is what you’re going to write about all the time on your blog in order to gain a following to your blog.

Picking the Right Niche For Your Blog

Picking the Right Niche For Your Blog

Now on this topic of Picking the Right Niche For Your Blog is going to be where you are going to stand out from the crowd or looking like part of the crowd.

If your not sure about what you going to pick for a niche in the blogging world let me tell you where you could start.

Do you already have a passion or a product that you are loving and sharing about now to your friends and family?

If you are maybe this is your niche and you don’t even know it yet this could be a thing for you to think about on your niche selection.

If it was me first starting a blog and selecting a niche for my blog I would first start with something I’m already talking about every day now as you already have a passion for that topic now anyways.

Now if that subject that you’re talking about every day just doesn’t fit what you’re talking about now, then choose a product or service you have a passion for now.

When picking a niche be very careful on what niche you do decide to take on as your niche and here’s why.

Most people don’t go to a blog to see what you’re doing for all the topics you post on the blog every week or every day.

Readers to a blog usually want to find answers to what they are doing or get answers to their concerns.

So unless you pick a niche and stay on that same niche topics you will get a good repeat in traffic if you don’t a lot of readers will move on.

Sticking to a certain topic and relate them to your niche you will have a better success rate of people returning back to your blog if they already love one of the topics you are posting about.

Once you have picked your niche and you are ready to start in that niche.

Make sure your ready to do this for the long haul as creating a blog for success is not going to happen overnight and will take work.

Setting Up Web hosting and WordPress

Setting Up Web hosting and WordPress

Now this topic of Setting Up Web hosting and WordPress is something you have got to understand and realize that just picking any old hosting plan and WordPress hosting has got to be done right.

Choosing the right web host and web host that provides WordPress hosting is something you should really research and take into consideration a company that knows all about web hosting and web hosting with WordPress.

Below you will find a list that we recommend in web hosting and WordPress.

  1. Namecheap
  2. Godaddy
  3. Bluehost
  4. Siteground
  5. HostGator
  6. Dreamhost
  7. GreenGeeks

Any of those companies listed above is a good bet you will have awesome service and easy plugins to install into your WordPress site in creating your blog WordPress site.

Design Of Your Blog

Design Of Your Blog

Now on this topic of Design Of Your Blog is where you have got to know what design theme works best for your niche and layout of your blog site.

Picking a theme for your design is something you have got to be very careful about as there are literally tons of things to consider when picking out a theme that works for you.

When picking a theme and depending on how much you want to really do this whether it be a part-time or full-time thing is something you have got to figure out what theme works for you.

If your only going to go about blogging on a part-time basis I would just use what they call a free theme.

Now if you’re going to do this full time and make it a business don’t use a free theme once you get a theme you like then buy the pro version of that theme, its hands down worth the investment.

When first starting out I would make sure to pick a theme that was bright and clean, fonts stand out very well and the text is very easy to visually understand and be inviting to your visitors.

I found this article very helpful in picking out an awesome theme to get you rolling The Best and Most Popular WordPress Themes of 2020.

I hope when you get your theme picked out for your blog site it works out awesome for you.

Creating Awesome Content

Creating Awesome Content

Now on this topic of Creating Awesome Content I can not talk about this enough, content is king online and if you create valuable content you are going to do very well with your blog.

When creating content you have got to stay on topic with the post you are writing about.

The first thing you have got to do when creating content is you have got to grab the reader’s attention with the title of your post if you don’t grab their attention with the title they will be gone.

Second is you got to create content for the reader who’s looking for something to help them answer their questions or problems they are trying to get help with.

Third, you have got to create content that is relevant to the topic’s title of the post, or again they will be gone.

Lastly, you have got to create content that will keep your readers coming back for more and more as you want to be that go-to person when it comes to what your topics are about.

Remember this when creating content as well, when you decide what your post is going to be about make sure that your whole content your writing is as close as possible to what the title of your post is about.

Search engines will reward you nicely when you are making sure that your content is matching, to the subject, and informative to what the topic of your post is about for the content.

When To Monetize Your Blog

When To Monetize Your Blog

Now on this topic of When To Monetize Your Blog is something that will work differently for others depending on what your niche and how fast you can get traffic to your site.

Depending on your niche that you choose to write about on your blog and deciding When To Monetize Your Blog is something that will come with some luck and hard work.

If you create a niche site for example, weight loss or e-business, these are real competitive niches to start out with but don’t let me tell you this is something you can’t do as you can and be very successful.

Those niches above are well worth taking on but they will take some work to get visitors to your site as they are very competitive to start getting traffic too and you’re going to need a lot of traffic so you know When To Monetize Your Blog.

Ok, knowing to monetize your blog is when you have a decent amount of traffic.

If it was me I would not worry about monetizing your blog until you get at least 30,000 page views a month.

Then and only then would I approach any of the ad networks about placing ads on my website to earning an income with the site.

Now, this is totally up to you to decide when you are wanting to monetize your blog, but I would lay down the foundation of the site and concentrate on content first then after I was getting those page views of 30,000 or more then and only then would I go after monetization of the site.



Now on this topic of SEO this is where you have got to really know how to do this to improve your online presence of getting traffic to your website.

SEO stands for search engine optimization and every website site needs it to know how to stand out of the crowd in getting traffic and also getting organic search traffic.

Without, proper SEO done to your website means the difference to paid traffic and earning organic traffic.

If you have a good size budget and want to get traffic to your website or blog you can do this fast by getting paid traffic from search engines where you pay them to send you traffic.

But if you want to receive organic traffic over and over for months and years to come you have got to learn how to do SEO or at least hire someone or a company to do it for you.

Getting the correct SEO done can really be well worth it over time and getting organic traffic with SEO takes time and there’s no magic way of getting this done fast overnight, but done right SEO can reward your site for years to come with traffic.

With the proper SEO done to your website you will get over 20 to 25 times more clicks on search engines than paid advertising clicks on search engines.

The reason why is when someone goes to a search engine and do a search for a certain topic and if you get on the first page of say google you’re going to get clicks to your website faster that way as the person doing the search was looking for answers or your product to find online.

If you have done the SEO correctly over time the traffic will come in nicely and only get higher and higher in traffic then it will come to a peak and stay coming in that way for the long term in the search results.

With paid traffic to your website you have got to keep feeding your search engine money for that traffic so if you stop paying for traffic you stop getting traffic.

So with proper SEO you can really get rewarded with traffic over and over again.

Now your probably asking should I learn how to do SEO myself or hire some one to do it for me.

This is totally up to you to decide as doing SEO really doesn’t hurt to learn or at least get to know some yourself.

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If you don’t know any SEO, you can literally take online courses and even watch YouTube videos in learning some SEO technics.

Depending on your skill level on how far you want to learn SEO I would at least learn some of the basics of SEO as it wouldn’t hurt to learn some.

Now if you decide to hire an SEO Expert I would make sure to hire a company that has a solid background in doing this work for you.

I would check their reputation and reviews online before I would even call any of these companies for SEO.

The reason you have got to do the proper search in hiring an SEO company is that if you are not careful, hiring the wrong SEO company could actually hurt your SEO rankings.

So before you hire a company learn some basics yourself so you will have a better understanding of SEO and you will know what Black Hat SEO Services are and White Hat SEO Services are, as this is key to making sure what you’re getting done to your site.

White Hat SEO Services are techniques that are done correctly and abide by all the rules in the search engine rankings index manual.

Now, these techniques will take you a little longer in getting traffic but you will receive traffic the proper way for years to come.

Black Hat SEO Services are a way of spamming the search engines in a way that will put your website in danger of being blacklisted from the search engines as they are preforming ways to get traffic to your site fast and if not done right your risking your website’s future of getting traffic over time.

So that is why hiring a company or person to do SEO for you is really important in doing it right the first time to avoid the headaches of losing your rankings in the future.

If you really want to get awesome SEO rankings concentrate on providing great content that the user is searching for.

This will help the search engines with what to offer the user to view on the web so the better your content is the more clicks you will receive from the search engines.

So the more your site will get clicks over time as these signals that people are clicking on your website will tell the search engines what’s working for you and them over time as search engines still need people to direct to them as well.

My recommendation for SEO is to always be willing to learn about SEO and stay informed about how SEO works as this will help you in the long run of knowing how to do it and knowing what company to trust in hiring to do it for you if your website or blog becomes the next big thing.

Knowing If Your Blog Will Survive The Long Run

Knowing If Your Blog Will Survive The Long Run

Now on this topic of Knowing If Your Blog Will Survive The Long Run will depend on how well you have created your blog and how well you have created your content.

When you have taken the time in selecting your niche and what your going to blog about all the time, you have got to make sure that you are loving what your blogging about, because if you don’t you’re going to run into writer’s block and loss interest about blogging in your niche you started.

If you don’t have a passion for what your writing about your not going to capture the audience to follow up on your posts of them coming back for more.

The thing about blogging is if you don’t love it and have a passion for it, you will run out of ideas to write about and if that happens how are you going to keep your audience engaged to visiting your blog over time.

When you decide on what your blog is going to be about and how long it will last in the long run think about if others will be interested in the same things you’re going to write about.

Be more specific to the title of your blog, for example if you’re going to create a blog in the weight loss segment don’t call it weight loss as your going to get eaten up from the competition faster than you decided on the name.

Call it something like heathersdietingplan or something like that as this will give it more character and more of a brand of its own uniqueness.

When creating your name always try to get a .com address as it always the easiest for people to remember and make sure your picking a domain name that is only 2 to 3 words long as a general rule.

Also try using keywords of what your blog is about as this will help the search engines of what your blog is about and topics you are writing about.

When it comes to the design and layout of your blog make sure you use WordPress from the start as I can almost guarantee you if your blog gets bigger and bigger over time you will be forced to use a WordPress theme.

Next make sure once you have gotten the theme you like to buy the paid version of the theme instead of the free version as this will also help in the search engine rankings.

The pro versions always come with better options build in and it also will help your site be a little better bug-free.

When you have this done make sure first starting out as well to not use more than 8 to 10 plugins when you first start your blog.

Your just starting out so for the first 3 months only concentrate on the content not software as over time as the bigger your blog becomes you will eventually learn about software and what to use.

Concentrate on at least writing about 30 articles over the next 3 to 6 months if you can do this faster than this then get it done.

With most blogs if you’re providing excellent content and create about 30 articles you should be at about 1000 page views per article and about 30,000 page views per month after about 8 months or so.

If you’re not receiving about 30,000 page views per month after about 1 year of your first 30 articles I would start over on a new niche and be done with it.

Now if your providing great content and did everything correctly listed above you should start to receive some traffic slowly over time.

It will become frustrating and a lot of work at first and there will be days that you are going to want to quit doing your blog as your not going to see the traffic you wanted at first fast enough.

In the first 6 months you may see no traffic at all and you’re going to be saying to yourself why am I doing this as this is going nowhere.

But I can assure you if you are providing excellent content with your blog posts you will wake up one day and notice your traffic starts to get more and more every day.

The reason this will happen most of the time is the search engines have got to build trust with you first and it takes time to build that trust but once they do they will start to send you more and more traffic.

Another thing to remember is when your creating traffic don’t just write short articles on your blog everyday mix it up at first start off with those first 10 articles of 1000 word articles.

Then write your next 10 articles of about 2000 words.

The create those long posts of 3000 to 5000-word articles.

I know this sounds like a lot of work but again search engines today are content-hungry and love content so the more content you can give the better off you will be in the rankings.

I hope you enjoyed this post of Is Blogging Worth Doing Now To Become Successful In 2020 and I think you would love this other article SEO The Complete Way To SEO For Beginners

You may also love this video below.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you will come back again for my next one, so happy reading and blogging to everyone.

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